2022/23 Abdoulaye Doucouré

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?? could have tried harder, what a comment that is, he’s supposed to be a professional and getting paid a lot of money for the privilege,

The new manager will be the 6th, 7th or even 8th a lot of this group have played under. This will doucoure’s 4th in 2.5 yrs. think we need to stop putting to the Blame solely on the managers. Franks wasn’t up to the job, but doucoure has proved, in his time out the club he’s not up to the job either. Should never play for us again imo

He could have tried harder though mate. I'm not sure what you want me to say? His application levels havent been good enough.
He’s barely played this season, but he’s the new scapegoat. Makes sense…

This is it really and to my mind played the seond half of last season half injured because basically everyone else was and put in a shift, i admire this.

You cant take anything seriously at the moment, just a lot of hate toward anything Everton as an institution - objectivity has gone out the window.
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You know what this word means don’t you? I see people like to throw it around but very few people seem to actually know what it means.
“one that bears the blame for others. b : one that is the object of irrational hostility”

I think that covers what I’ve been trying to say. He hasn’t been on the pitch and he’s getting it in the neck. He’s being criticised for kicking off in the dressing room when nobody knows the facts…
At one point he was one of our most important players. His energy and the way he covers the pitch was crucial to fill the gaps when full backs bombed forward.

Shame whats happened but if we have a buyer when hes only got 6 months left on his current deal without activating the extension we need to sell.

“one that bears the blame for others. b : one that is the object of irrational hostility”

I think that covers what I’ve been trying to say. He hasn’t been on the pitch and he’s getting it in the neck. He’s being criticised for kicking off in the dressing room when nobody knows the facts…

No that’s not it at all, where have you got that from?

The first bit is a more accurate definition, and as far as I can see absolutely nobody is blaming him for us being crap. People are simply observing that he is crap, which is an opinion.

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