Should Ferguson have stayed as a coach or should he have looked to manage elsewhere?


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The *legend* has fallen.

Hels a figure of fun now.
Seriously it getting tiresome now you have an agenda you don’t like the fella.But like it or not our new manager wants Duncan around the place obviously the players do as well and they must respect him because the power the players have these day he would of been gone if the dident. So instead of cry arsein about it EVERY DAY support our club when it’s needed most
Seriously it getting tiresome now you have an agenda you don’t like the fella.But like it or not our new manager wants Duncan around the place obviously the players do as well and they must respect him because the power the players have these day he would of been gone if the dident. So instead of cry arsein about it EVERY DAY support our club when it’s needed most
If Fronk does well it will be DESPITE Duncan, if Fronk does badly it will be BECAUSE of Duncan, accept this and move on.
Yeah, thanks for the continuity "Dunc".
Dave, I have since checked with the care home in Bootle (you may or m\y not recall), I was a bit concerned, anyway message me with your details and I'll pass them on, it has a 5 star rating, close to all local amenities x.
Dave, I have since checked with the care home in Bootle (you may or m\y not recall), I was a bit concerned, anyway message me with your details and I'll pass them on, it has a 5 star rating, close to all local amenities x.
This feller's a real class act. Four posts so far and two of them are making *jokes* about dementia.

Like a military campaign Dunc is just an officer not in charge of recruitment not in charge of battle plans I would not blame him for any of this mess
but if he has any serious ambition of becoming a manager then this is not the club for him until he proves himself if he gets offered a job elsewhere he should take it if not i would have no issue with him being here he has alawys had good intentions for this club don't know why people have a problem with him

Should have been fired. Not even given the choice. If ANY of us performed our own jobs as badly as he has over the years we would have all been fired. He wasn't even that great of a player.
Meh if Frank Lampard and the players are happy, then that's good enough for me. If it bothers you that much, then you can always go support another club.;)
Has he ever stated that his ultimate goal is to be a manager of a football club? I mean if he has then I really hope he finds something over the summer.

If he hasn't then perhaps he just likes being an Assistant that doesn't have to deal with all of the BS of being the manager. There are loads or career Assistants out there.
He's applied for the top job so that would imply he is interested I guess?
Like a military campaign Dunc is just an officer not in charge of recruitment not in charge of battle plans I would not blame him for any of this mess
but if he has any serious ambition of becoming a manager then this is not the club for him until he proves himself if he gets offered a job elsewhere he should take it if not i would have no issue with him being here he has alawys had good intentions for this club don't know why people have a problem with him
Exactly this. He is stuck with being an Evertonian to his detriment, just like us.

The club does need some poeole who will bleed blue blood to counteract the endless stream of mercenaries coming through the revolving door.

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