Potential cancellation of games - Coronavirus

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If they cancelled the season, can you imagine the uproar for those challenging for promotion.

Simply can't happen.

Even if it's a game of headers and volleys because we've only got two players left to play then so be it

Personally I’m a bit confused as to why Virologists are posting on here rather than informing the government with their knowledge.

Never ceases to amaze me how many high end industry professionals post on here.
From climatologists, virologists and political scientists all the way to professional football coaches.

A real melting pot indeed!
If they cancelled the season, can you imagine the uproar for those challenging for promotion.

Simply can't happen.

Even if it's a game of headers and volleys because we've only got two players left to play then so be it


Not sure about this mate. If one player in the league gets infected, I’m sure the quarantine fallout will have a major impact on the entire league.

In all honesty I can’t see it making much difference now. It’s pretty much in general circulation and most folk will get a mild dose anyway. That’s not to diminish those who would potentially suffer a lot though.
The way I see it is young fit players , supporters may suffer mild ill effects if they contract the virus
As carriers they can pass the virus on the their families ie parents , grandparents ,wider families and public who may well have medical conditions such as diabetes , heart disease ,COPD ,cancer , kidney disease , people who are immuno suppressed , hypertension with potentially dire consequences.
I don't think it's worth the risk , cancel the season

You can bet your life that Don Carlo's blood pressure is sky high after the run in with that 'ref' :p

I hear PEDs are very effective in fighting it
The RS should be ok so

Imagine 1 of them contracted it, the entire squad had to have blood tests, but refused ala Rio Ferdinand. Would That be grounds to ban them all? You bet your life they'd want a do over then.

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