2019/20 Marco Silva

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If they dare go for Moyes we may as well pack it all in.

sends a message to the world that we are a complete also ran. Massive backwards step built on incompetence at all levels from players to boardroom.

who’d have thought the comfortable and predictable appointment of Baxendale would turn out to be just that. Zero ambition to appoint the best.

bill Kenwright hanging round refusing to go away. Peddling his romantic ‘little old Everton’ philosophy.

brands leaving the first team with two huge holes in central defence and upfront. How long does it take to realise you need a goalscorer? Well run clubs would have lined up a replacement before the ink was dry on Lukakus United contract. Brands solution to the central defence was Marcus rojo. But he wears nice suits...

If they dare go for Moyes we may as well pack it all in.

sends a message to the world that we are a complete also ran. Massive backwards step built on incompetence at all levels from players to boardroom.

who’d have thought the comfortable and predictable appointment of Baxendale would turn out to be just that. Zero ambition to appoint the best.

bill Kenwright hanging round refusing to go away. Peddling his romantic ‘little old Everton’ philosophy.

brands leaving the first team with two huge holes in central defence and upfront. How long does it take to realise you need a goalscorer? Well run clubs would have lined up a replacement before the ink was dry on Lukakus United contract. Brands solution to the central defence was Marcus rojo. But he wears nice suits...
Moyes was spotted on Friday in Marksies at the Trafford Centre in a trapper checking out the cardies.

Moyes is coming in after the rs game.
Could not believe what I saw on football focus ,this idiot of a manager actually thought the fans were upset with the team because we lost to Norwich. What about the last 18 months we have looked clueless under Silva. Time is up he has to go we will not improve with Silva and it looks to me like the board are hanging on hoping that results will improve. I wish that they were right but there are no signs that results are going to change change. Time for a change of manager, teams that are much better than us have already done this. Come on Moshiri do the right thing but this time do it right.
This team are much better than the results are showing, for weeks I have been hoping that the manager would turn it around but now I do not think it will happen, and there can only be one outcome, let's hope it happens sooner than later.
Then questions should be asked of them about why that is.

It's not good enough from the board. They have dragged their feet on this one. If we can't attract a decent manager then there are failings at a higher level than Silva and fingers should be getting pointed there as well.
Who you want as new manager.

They've trotted out Pickford this time,

Looking forward to Coleman's speech after tomorrow.

I don’t want to see Silva on Everton’s Wikipedia page let alone actually remember him as our manager and I don’t want to see bigchav Pickford as our goalkeeper but what can you do?

God we’ve had some dross over the last few years.

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