2017/18 Wayne Rooney

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'Orchestrating it from deep'??????????

Sorry, but that is complete nonsense and blind to the facts. He does nothing of the sort.

Tell me one notable piece of 'orchestration' he has done this year?

He struggles to orchestrate one foot to the other and is a complete waste of space.

No other team in this division would tolerate him - never mind have brought him back and given him £150,000 a week

£150,000 A WEEK. We are a laughing stock.

Virtually all the home wins he has run the game from deep, it is pretty much undeniable.

It's sad to see yet another Evertonian getting undeserved stick.
Just imagine how bad he will be next season.

We need to shift this expensive mistake out ASAP. The only problem is that no other team in the league will want him because he will demand huge wages. Got to be China or USA.

He’s going to end up with £15.6m from the club for his time here. Absolutely sickening.


Relaxing after a hard day’s graft yesterday.
Virtually all the home wins he has run the game from deep, it is pretty much undeniable.

It's sad to see yet another Evertonian getting undeserved stick.

Orly, methinks you jest in your role as agent provocateur.

That last comment proves that none of your posts on here should be taken seriously.

So continue swimming against this Tsunami of a tide.

Oh, and don't forget to take your guide dog for a walk after lunch.
Orly, methinks you jest in your role as agent provocateur.

That last comment proves that none of your posts on here should be taken seriously.

So continue swimming against this Tsunami of a tide.

Oh, and don't forget to take your guide dog for a walk after lunch.

I meant me mate, I'm the Evertonian getting undue stick - and you've done it again there with the blind comment. Sad!
Inappropriate Language
There is a reason one plays for Real Madrid and one plays for Everton.

That's the most frustrating thing about it. He's here because it's the best offer he had and didn't fancy moving his family to China where he'd have been a fish out of water.

United pretty much f***ed him off otherwise he'd have seen out his even bigger contract there.

Double figures for the season isn't he? Not to mention a hattrick in the game that essentially changed where our season was going (down down down). Plus he is surrounded by dreadful midfield partners.

Think he's been a miracle worker myself.
Not for me. He had a decent enough start after turning up looking surprisingly trim, but it seems as though the ale and ciggies have done irreparable damage. A player of his talent should be ashamed to perform as he does at 32 years old.

If he can't do it playing behind the striker anymore, there's no point in him being here. I'd sooner give that game time to someone with a bit of upside, like Vlasic or Baningime.
Rooney can dictate play, knock good passes. His passing range is brilliant. The problem is, fat sam sets his team up so that only the striker is in the opposition half. Therefore Rooney has no space as every other Everton player is in our own box. Imagine we had wingers or fullbacks who when Rooney gets on the ball wpuld bomb forward like they used to. These boring defensive tactics are killing Rooney!
Rooney can dictate play, knock good passes. His passing range is brilliant. The problem is, fat sam sets his team up so that only the striker is in the opposition half. Therefore Rooney has no space as every other Everton player is in our own box. Imagine we had wingers or fullbacks who when Rooney gets on the ball wpuld bomb forward like they used to. These boring defensive tactics are killing Rooney!

Worst seasons for Rooney have been under Moyes at United and the last few months with Allardyce.

Make of THAT what you will.
Yet another reason why Bill Kenwright should not be allowed anywhere near our club. Pure cancer.

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