General Meeting 09.01.2018

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‘Pilgrimages to Africa and voodoo’

Amazing. You just can’t predict Everton. Would you ever hear this sort of gold out of any other professional sporting organisation?
No. Everton is truly unique in its ‘Frank Spencer-isms’. You gotta love the club; it’s so inept it’s kind of cute.
Tonight’s trip into darkest Africa, with its attendant black magic refererences, really was the comedic icing on the cake!!
Top notch work Everton. Tonight, you reminded me once again of why I love you so much
We are an embarrassment, you can only laugh. Some of the comments tonight are shocking. Our owner is bonkers and our stadium plans are so cloak and dagger. Until I see the stadium fully built I won't believe we are getting it.

This is on Sky sports web site now.

I see trouble ahead.


Romelu Lukaku refused to sign a new contract at Everton after a voodoo message told him to join Chelsea, according to the club's major shareholder Farhad Moshiri.

The Belgium international was in a meeting in March at which he was scheduled to sign a new contract - around the time his agent Mino Raiola claimed the deal was 99.9 per cent done - when the u-turn happened.

"We offered him a better deal than Chelsea and his agent came to Finch Farm to sign the contract," Moshiri told Everton's AGM.

"Robert (Elstone, chief executive) was there, everything was in place, there were a few reporters outside, then in the meeting Rom called his mother.

"He said she was on a pilgrimage in Africa or somewhere and had a voodoo and he got the message that he needs to go to Chelsea."
One told him it ws because of his mum and witchdoctors, and then went to LA and wouldn't come home till we sold him
The other was sold because his agent said Barkely won't stay unless you let his mate Stones leave
The last after saying that - agent vanished for 6 months and couldn't be contacted - had his medical at the club then changed his mind - only to join them for 20m less 6 months later

If you need a cow mate, Moshiri is selling them - all you need is a couple of coloured beans - tell him they are magic he will believe you
Clear as day the Barkley camp well and truly stitched the club up. Gang of rats

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