SportPesa - possible new shirt sponsor

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The S logo wouldn't look bad on the shirt....

As long as they pay well I couldnt give a toss who they are (with a few obvious exceptions)
From the Echo, I thought the blue bar initially read "FKN SORT EVERTON" :)


  • ROBKEN.png
    79 KB · Views: 124
Where as nobodys life has ever been ruined by alcohol?????

Thats the crux for me mate.

Lets just agree that gambling and alcohol both have their good points and very bad points, they are both considered vices and are both treated as illnesses upon addiction. I could argue that alcohol addiction is more widespread and leads to more violent crimes, as well as vastly more serious health issues that lead to death, but hey ho, suppose that should be a discussion for another thread.
I'm not disagreeing that alcohol can also have a bad impact - but it can also bring social benefits. For me it makes other people eventually find my conversations interesting, and on at least three occasions has had the effect of a woman find me both funny and good looking. Gambling wouldn't do that!

As far as I see gambling, the only benefit it brings is a bit of expensive excitement, the occasional rush of endorphins when you win, just before you lose again.

I'd really rather our shirts didn't advertise booze, or gambling, which together with loan companies like wonga, have to be the 3 worse things to associate ourselves with, after the likes of Charlie's Crack Cocaine Corps.

Whatever we're offered to wear a badge is going to be small change in today's football. It's about time a club (like ours) made a stand and instead of selling advertising space on its shirts, wore the name of some local charity that it was supporting. Barcelona did this with Unicef once, and it was class.

I'm not disagreeing that alcohol can also have a bad impact - but it can also bring social benefits. For me it makes other people eventually find my conversations interesting, and on at least three occasions has had the effect of a woman find me both funny and good looking. Gambling wouldn't do that!

As far as I see gambling, the only benefit it brings is a bit of expensive excitement, the occasional rush of endorphins when you win, just before you lose again.

I'd really rather our shirts didn't advertise booze, or gambling, which together with loan companies like wonga, have to be the 3 worse things to associate ourselves with, after the likes of Charlie's Crack Cocaine Corps.

Whatever we're offered to wear a badge is going to be small change in today's football. It's about time a club (like ours) made a stand and instead of selling advertising space on its shirts, wore the name of some local charity that it was supporting. Barcelona did this with Unicef once, and it was class.

I agree with the sentiment, but we can't afford it. We need to get as much $$$ in as possible, that's the reality.

Liverpool earn more from training kit sponsorship than we get from Chang.

But trying to take a moral high ground regarding the dangers of betting against the dangers of alcohol seems a bit silly to me.

Both are "bad".
The real dangers occur when you combine the two.

Just the thought of it is enough to make anyone drink themselves into a stupor, and bet with some obscure overseas on-line bookie, that Everton will land the sponsorship deal of the century.

I'm not disagreeing that alcohol can also have a bad impact - but it can also bring social benefits. For me it makes other people eventually find my conversations interesting, and on at least three occasions has had the effect of a woman find me both funny and good looking. Gambling wouldn't do that!

As far as I see gambling, the only benefit it brings is a bit of expensive excitement, the occasional rush of endorphins when you win, just before you lose again.

I'd really rather our shirts didn't advertise booze, or gambling, which together with loan companies like wonga, have to be the 3 worse things to associate ourselves with, after the likes of Charlie's Crack Cocaine Corps.

Whatever we're offered to wear a badge is going to be small change in today's football. It's about time a club (like ours) made a stand and instead of selling advertising space on its shirts, wore the name of some local charity that it was supporting. Barcelona did this with Unicef once, and it was class.

Agreed mate. There's enough money in football. Let's not prostitute ourselves for things that harm peoples lives
Actually I feel so strongly about this that if we ever got sponsored by Wonga I would suspend my support of Everton until the sponsorship changed.

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