And a new Blue is Born

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congratulations McB and mrs McB welcome to parenthood its a heartbreakingly wonderful thrill ride you will never want to get off, much like last seasons FA cup run, but with a happier ending. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D;););):):):):D
Baby McB, all 3.8kgs; made her way (with some help) into the world on Sunday Morning, possibly around the time we were playing Arsenal.

It's been a rollercoaster ride of tiring, abject horror, and unbridled joy.

Not unlike the Blues.

Big Shout to Mrs McB, how the hell something like that came out of her tiny body is a mystery only the big guy with his fingers on all the buttons would know. She's a real trooper, and this poster will never never look at her the same way again. Not in the 'my favourate pub just got burned down' kind of way, but in the revered, glowing kind of way.

So all in all, I'm well knackered but now there's an inner strength in the form of baby McB that will drive me on to be a better person.

Good Night, and Good Luck.

Congratulations. ;)

I didn't even know you were expecting.

Great pics McBain. She's a stunner...

That third one suggests that she's already developing a personality of her own...she's looking right into your soul.

And the last, yawning one. You weren't watching Liverpool vs Reading were you?

How's she sleeping? Or, more to the point how much sleep are you and the Mrs getting?

Take it easy.
That baby is gorgeous Macca, she can't possibly be yours mate, there must have been a mix up at the hospital or something:p:p:p

Mrs McB will so at peace with herself now, its something to cherish for the rest of your life mate;)

Naomil Adele Monti McBain will break hearts when she gets older:D

McB baby . How's the Wife and McBaby ???
Hope all are well .
What did you think of my snaps , cock' ???

Do the Dad thing , brother . You were made for it , mate .
Thanks fellas, a week on and settling in.

Had an amazing response from work, and they can see me through my sleepless fog.

Hasn't sunk in to be honest, not sure it ever will!

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