He's boss him [Hugo Almeida Thread]

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Only 17 goals in 58 or so starts...

...Im sure there are better strikers out there...
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I've seen him play for Portugal. Never really impressed me.

He's a big lad but [Poor language removed] in the air.
There are question marks over him. Porto let him go for only 4m euros just 18 months ago; and if Bremen really are prepared to loan him out now, that's hardly a ringing endorsement. Yes he's a Portuguese international, but Portugal's big weakness in recent years has been the absence of an effective centre forward.

This said, he's still a half decent striker, well worth getting in on loan.

Who is he again?

Premier League: Everton chase Portugal striker Hugo Almeida | Football | guardian.co.uk

He's someone and he's definately not a name some hack has just made up to meet his article quota.

awaits Championship Manager quality assessment*

***Shakes his head at Chicoazul's quite disappointing lack of current knowledge***

It's Football Manager now mate. (Yes I know Championship Manager still exists, but its gash, and the Collyer Bros are on Football Manager now).
He done this;




Chico you seriously havent heard of him?

Dont all try and pretend to be European footballista pundits you odious helmets.

He's [Poor language removed] and no-ones heard of him**.

** unless we pay £15 million for him or something.

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