MSP Sports Capital

If it is to be believed then 777 won’t get any further than MSP with any investment attempt. They seem even ropier than MSP. This other company isn’t going to allow any investment into the club unless its a massive amount which will include enough to cover their £200m we owe them.

Not quite.

They are saying they wont allow more debt to be taken on. That is different to opposing a buyout

The club is a complete circus unfortunately, a laughing stock. MSP weren’t actually the answer either to be honest, if you read the article the current lenders of the club were against the move as they just don’t have enough money to make much of a difference, so it would have solved little monetary wise going forward.

We are absolutely desperate for a complete takeover but someone with very deep pockets. It’s the only way we can turn this around and get competing again.

The hope was they could inflate the revenue streams the current board are unable to increase.

Thats whats they've seem to if done at the other companies they've been involved in.

Although tbh monst of the football teams they've been involved in seemed to of struggled.
