Tim Howard

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the poor blokes kids live in america, not easy been away from ya kids. Multi million pound football contracts help.
From 06/07 - 08/09 kept clean sheets for on average 15 games a year, which is tidy. Of course that was some time ago.
In robertos first year he had the most clean sheets in the league. Ive always liked tim and look the guy whether you like him or not, obviously has been commited to everton for a long time, deserves a round of applause. His form tailed off after the last w/c well it happens to all players eventually.

as for kurts comment above, i dont appreciate it.

In robertos first year he had the most clean sheets in the league. Ive always liked tim and look the guy whether you like him or not, obviously has been commited to everton for a long time, deserves a round of applause. His form tailed off after the last w/c well it happens to all players eventually.

as for kurts comment above, i dont appreciate it.
you don't have to... I can smell you a mile off sad act
the poor blokes kids live in america, not easy been away from ya kids. Multi million pound football contracts help.
From 06/07 - 08/09 kept clean sheets for on average 15 games a year, which is tidy. Of course that was some time ago.
he should have forced them to get abortions like he did with the last kid, the massive arrogant, overrated yankee helmet

The polarisation in this forum amazes me. Seems no one can be a bit grey, it is black or white. In my humble Tim Howard has been a good player for Everton, not a great player. He certainly was played on past his best and he made a bit of a tit of himself lately.
On balance he deserves a goog send off and best wishes.

The polarisation in this forum amazes me. Seems no one can be a bit grey, it is black or white. In my humble Tim Howard has been a good player for Everton, not a great player. He certainly was played on past his best and he made a bit of a tit of himself lately.
On balance he deserves a goog send off and best wishes.
If he had a better defence in front of him then perhaps he might have played more last couple of years and if he was not injured I'm sue we would have offered him another year as a back up, not the worse player we have had and not the best either. Neville southall was the best.
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