Why you hate NUFC?

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The Fish

Player Valuation: £500k
Been reading your match thread and it's pretty clear the overwhelming feeling towards Newcastle and Geordies is a pretty angry kind of hatred. Just curious for the reason.

I mean, we've not recently injured one of yours, we've not robbed you of owt, we're not local rivals, we're not nicking any of your players. Yet I've genuinely not seen a group of fans more fervent in their desperation to beat us since the mackems.

You also seem stuck on pretty lazy cliches about Newcastle fans. Just like you're not all "bitter blues", we're not "deluded mags". Just seems a bit odd, is all.

So I was wondering what actual reasons have you got, or is it just that when you take everything into account, we're of a similar size to you and therefore, a rival?

pardew mate and the fact you think you're a bigger club than us despite having nowhere near as much success. and you're also a one club city so you should have big support.

to be honest though i don't hate the toon far from it, i like geordies and think you are good fans.
I hate Pardew.

But, I resent the fact that the media, and Sky Sports football fans seem to think you are bigger than us.
Welcome mate!

Chico's match threads just wouldn't be the same without lazy cliches mate, he rips on every team we play. That said mate this is a very friendly forum and most people are happy to discuss the footie with other club's supporters.

Tbh mate, it may come across as nasty but in the main it's taking the pish.

As for as big as us ?

There's your answer.

Come back when you have managed to stay in this league for longer than a couple of years, as opposed to only ever being out of it for a couple since the very beginning (not sky's beginning although your record in that is probably worse than the other one).

I think you will find also that some of the older members have memories of a large scale kicking in the Gallergate End one christmas, aided an abetted by the local constab. and the stewards.

As for "Bitter" we can't be bitter towards you lot, as you can only be bitter towards those that are more successful, and unless you go into a decade of dominance then that aint happening before my state retirement age.

We see a cultish behaviour from you lads, and for some incredibly strange reason a sense of entitlement that is akin to those idiots across Stanley Park.
Monochrome Kopites.
Wouldn't go as far as saying I hate you. The couple of Mags fans I know are pretty sound and realistic about their club. My old fella lives in North Shields and used to live in Gateshead. I like your City.

You do seem to have more than your share of of "zany" bellends in your support who don't wear shirts and come out with crap like "ah luv Neecassle moar than me wife, me", though, but that might just be due Sky giving them air time.

Having Pardew as a manager doesn't help, he's spoken in a derogatory manner about our club on several occasions, even predating his time as your manager.

And what Pabbers said, as well. Oh, and I don't like being stuck up in the Gods as far away from the pitch as possible as an away fan. Pisses me off every time I go to St. James' Park.

But really, don't take Chico's match previews to heart. Every team gets it with both barrels, and it's mostly just taking the piss, like.
Welcome mate!

Chico's match threads just wouldn't be the same without lazy cliches mate, he rips on every team we play. That said mate this is a very friendly forum and most people are happy to discuss the footie with other club's supporters.

Thought Chico's write up was class, something I think our message board could do with to be honest. I'm talking about some of the responses in there, definite venom towards us :lol:

Haven't been made to feel unwelcome, just curious about the reason behind the one-sided enmity.

Oh and for what it's worth, I don't think the majority of NUFC fans think we're bigger than Everton, just comparable. Same as Spurs to be honest, we're all in that 2nd group of English clubs. Well behind the Man U's but well ahead of the Stokes and Fulhams of the world.
Welcome mate!

Chico's match threads just wouldn't be the same without lazy cliches mate, he rips on every team we play. That said mate this is a very friendly forum and most people are happy to discuss the footie with other club's supporters.

You are ballbags mate.

I love how these followed each other ;)

To be honest we're all still upset that Nolan injured Anichebe, yet he still plays for us ;)

I am a bitter blue and the toon are deluded, most of my friends up here are mags and every pre season its the same rubbish spouting from there mouths, where going to get champions league spot, where good enough to win title, the next big signing is going to be the next shearer.
You are a well supported side, but your not a big club, plus as has been said Pardew is a top draw arsehole who is a bit of a prick and was brought in as a yes man to the board.
I went up there for a night out, seen a girl give another girl an alehouse dig and knock her out. Got knee'd in the side by some chest of a fella for absolutely no reason.

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