When Suarez "scored" at the end, before you knew it was offside...

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I was in a bar in Madrid, the only evertonian in there and 20 kopites from Cornwall and Birmingham, it went from being one of the worst moments in my life to the best, the look on their faces when the flag went up was priceless
I missed most of it as a reds fan was dancing with delight in front of me, I wanted to thump him. Then I cottoned on to what had happened and jumped up laughing and celebrating ( Phew!!!!! ) The Reds fan was way miffed off, he looked at me as if he wanted to thump me ha ha ( Glad he never as he was a big bugger )

Hands on head, incredulous look on my face. Automatically thinking to all the crap I'd see on social networks.... and then, BLAM! Disallowed. I always dream of such happening when another team scores but when it did and in such a situation, I broke. Cried on the floor. So happy, so lucky. I love Everton.
I was in the park end and thought immediately that Coates was climbing. Another dodgy decision was my thought as the ball went in, but when it was disallowed I honestly thought it was for the foul. Didn't realise until I got in the car and they were bitching on the radio.
Numb acceptance. Disallowed - slight relief. Still numb.

It was only later, when the full magnitude of the extinguished collective deliria of the RS seeped into my conciousness, that I appreciated how %%%%ing great it was. :)

I actually felt a tiny bit guilty that such a harsh decision went in our favour. I am sure there's a psychological term for that.

Now - since GBH and Rodgers' blubbing - I am so very glad. :)
The kopites were dancing infront of us, I seen the flag and got up in they're face, my mate threw his pint glass at the screen and turned a table full of beers all over them.

It was the most tense game in the pub ever.
i was still fuming about how easy Gerrard went down i think. i dont remember much about the goal i just seen Suarez running away kissing his wrist, looking over to the reds they was jumping about. then a big cheer. hes offiside, and suarez didnt know and there fans didnt know. i had a lovely feeling knowing there gonna come down to earth with a bump any minute now!

I threw the remote across the room, got up and started to storm off. I got to the door before my boyfriend shouted me back. The relief on his face made me realise he wasn't joking.

Then I laughed.
There were about 35 blues in our pub here in Boston. One fat Rodgers lookalike red with his LFC Boston scarf came over to stand beside us when they got the free kick and started screaming in delight when it went in. We were all just completely numb, a few curses and for me personally I was thinking about feeling the exact same way standing in Wembley. When we saw that flag about 15 of us descended on that tw#t, slapping him on the head pushing him and mocking the **** out of him. In a very tense game it was a very enjoyable moment.
There were about 35 blues in our pub here in Boston. One fat Rodgers lookalike red with his LFC Boston scarf came over to stand beside us when they got the free kick and started screaming in delight when it went in. We were all just completely numb, a few curses and for me personally I was thinking about feeling the exact same way standing in Wembley. When we saw that flag about 15 of us descended on that tw#t, slapping him on the head pushing him and mocking the **** out of him. In a very tense game it was a very enjoyable moment.

At my pub it was about 12 reds vs 2 of us Blues. They hooped and hollared when it when in. the tv cut to the flag to which the 2 of us made just as much noise. We ordered another drink to celebrate!

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