What's the dynamics with Liverpool FC like in the city?

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They are great.!!The easiest fans in the world to wind up. Even when they come to you gloating when they have won 5-2 in the derby and I say to them 'you were lucky' . I stand back and the fume from them is amazing. Even better when you explain we are Gods team and they are the devil's. Wow that gets them going big time.
Earlier this week an RS workmate posted a video of a bunch of clowns emerging from a bus to the tune of z cars.
When I asked if it was the Red Shte coming out the tunnel at Watford he then 'informed' me it was the Everton team cus z cars was our theme!
I couldn't even be bothered explaining the irony.

Yer man for the OP has gone for pure popcorn abusive responses he can post on another website and instead got made to look very silly indeed lol

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