Three Things Learned From Tonight

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...not sure I learned anything new. It was more confirmation for me:

Unsworth is not the man for the job.
The team lacks Athleticism and is easily overrun.
No matter who plays, no matter where they play it’s not making a difference. That is a major problem.
I'm just glad I'm not going to the Derby next month. First time I've missed an away Derby in literally decades.

The timing of my wife's niece's wedding means that I'll have to miss it, thank God.

My wife's niece is a Kiwi with no interest in football and she's getting married on the Isle of Wight, so chances are I won't even have to see it on the telly.

They do have TV’s on the Isle of Wight.
Don’t see where people are giving it s**t about davies. He is a kid and is playing in a team who are terrible. Last season people couldn’t get enough of him so because the team are playing bad he is getting it as well. The lads confidence is obviously battered you don’t lose it over night. He will come good and should of scored last night it’s not all doom and gloom where Tom is concerned.

The main this I learnt last night was that on the few games I miss, when we play that bad, I can turn over and watch I'm a Celebrity and try and forget we are playing!!
We don't know what we are doing at any level of the club.

Whose in charge? Moshiri or is Bill interfering? Is Usmanov in the background. What's the overall vision and who is the leader/ figure head of this club?

Who is doing what at a boardroom level? Suntan Bob? Sacha the KGB agent? Steve Italian Job Walsh? Probably only EITC are doing stuff right, probably not being interfered with by the Muppet Show.

Who is our manager? No one knows? Not me, not you, not the board it appears and not even Unsworth who is actually doing the job.
Managing below the 1st team - Unsworth was doing a decent job before moving up as far as I can see - maybe this is functioning correctly- I hope so.

Who are our players? Even the ones we have don't know what is happening here. Knocked back by first choices, we have the second/ third/ fourth picks if we were lucky. Hell, even some of them came and weren't even put into the Europe squad or given a number or suit! All of them are on borrowed time to me. The better ones are getting on, a malaise is running through the players - I hope it can be cured before we go full on Aston Villa/ Sunderland.

Even the fans don't know what to do with current set up. What are we going to see? I ain't no happy clapper who wants a sing song with a relegation fight going on - I'm an Evertonian and this is in no way entertaining to me.

Where's our strategy?
- New ground? Great! What's that, no actual progress or updates keeping us onside.
- Manager? 5 weeks without a manager. Splatter gun approach with no coherency from where I'm sitting.
- Player/ acquisition? Don't you worry about a new striker, sell the top notch one and don't replace him because you're waiting on a guy who doesn't want to come. Defensive frailties? We'll be alright - a couple of kids and aging donkeys will do us whilst we burn this big pile of dough on over-inflated fees and high wages for what in the main has been dross (though a better manager might have minimised this poor performance from them for us)

What to do?
Sort out the top man first. Whose in charge? Moshiri own the goddamn club and take charge. Then get a decent board in that has a long term plan (ground/ team building/ winning stuff and getting into the elite band of clubs + communicate this out properly) and a strategy to get there. Hire a goddamn manager. I fear that it is too late for Unsworth to go back into the U23 set up, which is our loss- I can't help but think he has been hung out to dry. Start getting in the players in our weak areas over the next few transfer windows and for now start getting them drilled into how they should perform at a base level as a very start - this may mean a Dyche or Sam for a year or more. It also means that if a manager hits a ceiling, then he has to be replaced with a new one.

Rant over. Everton. Booooooooo.
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