The transfer that shocked or saddened you most.

What transfer shocked or saddened you most?

  • 1. Alan Ball to Arsenal.

    Votes: 39 16.3%
  • 2. Gary Lineker to Barcelona.

    Votes: 13 5.4%
  • 3. Duncan Ferguson to Newcastle.

    Votes: 71 29.6%
  • 4. Wayne Rooney to Manchester United.

    Votes: 74 30.8%
  • 5. Mikel Arteta to Arsenal.

    Votes: 24 10.0%
  • 6. Other (please state).

    Votes: 19 7.9%

  • Total voters
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Probably rooney because I was still pretty young at the time. Arteta didn't bother me too much because I thought we got a pretty good deal considering his age and declining performances.

Shocked in a good way, I remember my mate texting me asking who I wanted everton to sign on Martinez's first deadline day. I think my exact words were 'if we could get someone like Lukaku I'd wank myself silly'. Woke up to a text the next morning saying we'd got him. Unfortunately I had to go to work so didnt have time for a wank.

When we signed him permanently with everyone tracking his flight in here, that was fantastic.
Samuel Eto'o. Perhaps it's because I've only ever really seen us buy no marks and make them great, he was already great.
.....the sale of Alan Ball was the same as one of those 'where were you when Kennedy was shot' moments. I remember it distinctly, my old mum waking me up holding the full back page of the Daily Mirror with massive headline 'Ball is Sold to Arsenal'.

Remember in those days there were no rumours, no internet, no inkling it was going to happen. Shock and immense disappointment to see the greatest player you ever saw leave. Nothing comes close.
I was gutted when Trevor Steven left us, my favorite player of the 80s, I was pretty shocked when big Dunc left and remember when Gary Speed left seeing a picture in the paper of him arriving at Newcastle's training ground didn't sit well with me for some time.

Steven was a big, big loss
.....the sale of Alan Ball was the same as one of those 'where were you when Kennedy was shot' moments. I remember it distinctly, my old mum waking me up holding the full back page of the Daily Mirror with massive headline 'Ball is Sold to Arsenal'.

Remember in those days there were no rumours, no internet, no inkling it was going to happen. Shock and immense disappointment to see the greatest player you ever saw leave. Nothing comes close.
Yes, right there Eggs,and what made it worse,was the fact he didn't want to leave,
now that hurt.

Wasn't too bothered about Lineker as we were a boss team and I was young. I was devo'd when trevor Steven,Gary Stevens,kanchelskis and Beardsley Left us, Rooney was bad but was expected, Ferguson was a shock but I wasn't too arsed.Arteta was a crab by the time he left. Lescott left a nasty taste in the mouth.
Or shocked when somebody actually brought Stuart Barlow off us. Even my mrs understood the offside roll better than him :pint2:
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Difficult for me to pick between Rooney and Ferguson. Too young to remember the first 2 happening and Arteta was upsetting but nowhere near as bad as the other two.

In reality the Rooney one was worse in terms of anger but given how young I was when Ferguson left that probably made me more upset.
.....the sale of Alan Ball was the same as one of those 'where were you when Kennedy was shot' moments. I remember it distinctly, my old mum waking me up holding the full back page of the Daily Mirror with massive headline 'Ball is Sold to Arsenal'.

Remember in those days there were no rumours, no internet, no inkling it was going to happen. Shock and immense disappointment to see the greatest player you ever saw leave. Nothing comes close.

Broke my heart when my dear Dad (RIP) tried to break the news as gently as he could when I got home from school - aged 6. I was inconsolable.

I was about 6 when Dunc was sold. Still remember it. Couldn't stop crying.

Though the day he came back is an even stronger memory. Probably the happiest moment of my childhood.

Arteta was a tough one, simply because I truly didn't believe it was possible. His subsequent tittishness and the fact that he gave us his best years have made that one easy to get over, though.

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