The L.C.A.B. / THT Transfer Window Thread ....

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Wouldn't surprise me, jpr. I think SWP would give us a little more than Keane would. I'd take both for depth, but I think Seamus, Billy, Vic, Saha and Beckford can do just as well.

Agreed on the player assessment, don't think either are what we need long term and keane would clash with Cahill. SWP would inject pace at least!

Think we'll be fighting tooth and nail to bring in someone as high profile as possible without spending £££££. These 2 fit the bill in terms of stature and have been put up for perm and left on the shelf all Jan. They ll Prob be allowed to leave at 9pm on Mon when no perm deal has been agreed.
Evening Blue Boys and girls! First time poster - long time reader. First off, much respect and thanks to LCAB and THT for creating some POSITIVE dialogue with re. our beloved Blues. It's a refreshing thread, I have to say. I've found on other EFC-related forums, a minority of posters have a somewhat aggressive and nasty nature; they could have ulterior motives for being there, who knows. Anyway I think we all need to take a deep breath with regards to all this lack of incoming transfer business. It's frustrating - and or the all us Evertonainas, it bloody hurts. But I think we should let Monday play itself out before we start jumping off cliffs and the like. The January Transfer Window is a poor concept and should be trashed. It only helps pirate agents and clubs with a little bit of copper, whose managers, club executives, believe in a "Sign any player, it
's good for Fans' moral strategy. Thankfully, we don't have a manger who believes in that. We don't have any money, too. But that's a deeper issue. This thread is about transfers. The Likes of Robbie Keane, SWP will all probably move before Monday night and each would give us a little exp. and class, but do we really need them? I mean, really, do we? Because that's the type of player, at best, that is out there today, right? There is not a single player that has signed for someone in a division that would have instantly made us better off. So you cannot blame Moyes for waiting ot the window to see if "The right type of player becomes available". He's probably been burned a few times in these windows by greedy agent/ players, too, so its little wonder he's coy and downplaying any transfer movement in the media. At the end of the day, if the right players becomes available, i'm sure we'll be in there for him. I'm with Moyes, Here's "hoping." Great site, BTW.

Welcome , lad .

Good first post .



Thank you , btw . From BOTH of us , kid .
I think if Lady-boy signs for Chelsea that might spark a bit of business between English clubs. It would have been better if the scum didn't send the Torres money to Holland (Suarez) but it certainly adds some cash in the transfer-merry-go-around in the EPL. There's a chance it might benefit us, and I think Dan Sturridge is a great shout. However, the problem with him, i think, is Chelsea would want him to be guaranteed to be playing, and I don't know if he'll get that with us, based on what I've seen of him he's a little inconsistent. Also, what is the long-term benefit for us signing a young unproven striker who is likely to return to his club? I thought Moyes only signed Loans with a view on a permanent deal. I suppose Jo might have changed that mindset. Speaking of which, would he be the worse option right now? Or do you guys think he's burned his bridges with us? Just asking.

FORGET Jo , mate .

Seriously ...

Coleman will be fine at right back. He's made of stern stuff that boy. Already has 25 or so senior games there for Blackpool, and I haven't seen all this shred-tearing when he's played there for us that people are talking about. I've got faith.

Anything we lose in terms of him not being as good a marker/tackler/pointer as Neville will be atleast partly offset by us having another outlet on that side of the pitch and us being able to play our way out of tight spots better than we can now.
Little bit of a newby here posted a couple of times and this is the only forum I will post on but here it goes.

I first started taking Everton in with my Dad around 1985 so to say I seen the highs and lows since then is self explantory so I have always as I got older been a bit chilled with what happens with my team because since the hycylon days of the eighties I have seen more lows than the deserved highs our great club should have had, however this is the first time in a long while that I have been so livid with our board and it incapabilitys of doing things right. My gripe is not with Moyes, the current squad, its the lack of modern vision to promote and improve one of the famous clubs that our current regime seem incapable of doing.

I have never contributed much to this thread because I honestly believed once we shipped one or two out we would replace but at this moment in time it just doesnt look like we will get what we deserve. I just hope in the near future we also get the investment we have long craved but again it just a mystery why it has taken so long. Also thanks LCAB and THT for the info love reading what you have to say have a lot of respect for both of you.

Thank you , mate .

Nice of you , kid .

POST , lad .

Its OK here , as it goes .

Take no notice of us ... Its laffin' ,...

I'm obviously depressed like everyone else about the lack of activity but it's not terribly surprising. We're currently sitting near the bottom of the league, which means (IIRC) about 4m less in revenue at the end of the season. Sadly, that's probably the difference for us between affording some loans this Jan and not being able to get anyone. Even if we were getting someone, the fact it's taken until the end of the month isn't surprising either -- save a months wages and all. ::sigh::

Now, obviously the best case scenario is we get a new board with lots of money.

If that doesn't happen, I think we're looking at nothing happening in the next window too. Unless we sell to buy. Aside from the current loans becoming permanent I don't see where we can sell from the squad which would raise much money (aside from sales which would hurt really bad).

What's my point? We should all give up! Not supporting Everton of course ... but expecting this current board to do anything in a transfer window. It's madness. At some point, shame on them, but we're the fools for sitting here expecting something when all evidence points to nothing.

COYB tomorrow morning! Thanks to El-Cab and THT for trying of course -- I can't help but feel they are air raid watchmen standing in a watchtower two years after the war has ended. There are no planes coming ... but it's nice knowing they are out there just in case.

Have a read of that old lad, dont look too good! -,10054.15.html

And you said i was mad for suggesting selling Rodwell and you come out with things like that, your dreaming mate if you think sheit like that could possibly happen anytime soon and ya think this window as been depressing, wait til the summer when we have nothing still and be lucky to keep our current squad together cos were skint and wont show ambition like every other team around us and are players get fcuked off about it!.

Do you think our players will put up with another summer, january and season of struggle like this again next season aye, bad results and languishing in the bottom half and good players leaving and not being replaced, i'd be very surprised if they did, and if they did and nothing changes squad wise or with the board or no money becomes available through investment then come the season after that, alot of them will definitely want out IMO.

And i gave up on our board a long time ago, ever since the summer after we finished 5th and made the cup final, i thought then that we should of invested in the team and looked to of kicked on and we didnt, instead we lost one of our best defenders and was only able to sign players due to the money raised from his sale.

Now even most of us know we dont ever have money to spend but expect a loan signing of some significance in any january window but even that is looking beyond us this time round and that is shocking!.
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This season is a write-off, so now's as good a time as any.

And Coleman isn't as bad a RB as everyone thinks. If he was on loan at Blackpool still he'd be starting there, and I guarantee he'd be doing so at a lot of other PL teams. Teams above us.

Besides Hibbo's slow and Neville's been crap for a while and seemingly has one eye on Spuds. I say play the guy who'll give it his all and have the pace to match modern wingers. I mean, at least if he does make a mistake he'll be able to learn from it.

And him and Bily on one side will be as lethal as Baines/Pienaar, if not more so, I know that much. Coleman overlapping with Bily's vision, Bily cutting in on his left... sure we'll be more prone defensively, but we'll also have another flank of attack.

Seen Coleman get bummed at RB too many times to trust him there yet, mate. However, on the rare occasions he and Bily have linked up on the same side they've looked deadly and made acres of room for each other. You might have a point.
Have a read of that old lad, dont look too good! -,10054.15.html

And you said i was mad for suggesting selling Rodwell and you come out with things like that, your dreaming mate if you think sheit like that could possibly happen anytime soon and ya think this window as been depressing, wait til the summer when we have nothing still and be lucky to keep our current squad together cos were skint and wont show ambition like every other team around us and are players get fcuked off about it!.

Do you think our players will put up with another summer, january and season of struggle like this again next season aye, bad results and languishing in the bottom half and good players leaving and not being replaced, i'd be very surprised if they did, and if they did and nothing changes squad wise or with the board or no money becomes available through investment then come the season after that, alot of them will definitely want out IMO.

And i gave up on our board a long time ago, ever since the summer after we finished 5th and made the cup final, i thought then that we should of invested in the team and looked to of kicked on and we didnt, instead we lost one of our best defenders and was only able to sign players due to the money raised from his sale.

Now even most of us know we dont ever have money to spend but expect a loan signing of some significance in any january window but even that is looking beyond us this time round and that is shocking!.

That link is irrelavent now as the thread as been pulled on that site for some reason but it was basically about a loan weve taken out this month to help pay or service certain things and it showed our current credit rating and things but the point is it didnt show good reading, apparently something as been put on toffeeweb and kipper about it too.
Don't like quoting another forum (GOT being the best). But, NSNO posted a thread (since removed) showing images (screenshots) of a new loan agreement involving Everton. The amount is not clear but it was a assignment of receivables loan (a loan on the collateral of a debt owed to Everton). Could be the Pienaar money, Could be Sky money, Could be for toilet rolls, Point is Everton are making money available on the basis of money owed. (I worked in a bank for a bit). Don't know what this means, but....must mean something.

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