The Great Dixie Dean

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Criminally overlooked in discussions around great players. The likes of Cantona, Rush, Charlton, Dalglish are revered yet because Dean played in a different era he doesn’t even enter the conversation despite posting numbers no one has touched since.
Criminally overlooked in discussions around great players. The likes of Cantona, Rush, Charlton, Dalglish are revered yet because Dean played in a different era he doesn’t even enter the conversation despite posting numbers no one has touched since.

Totally agree, I think people try to undermine his achievements because he didn't play in the "modern era". I think only Messi in 2012 and Gerd Muller in the 70's have scored 60 or more goals in one season and their numbers were for all competitions, not just league.

It was just as tough to play in the '20's as it is today, if not more difficult, forwards were not protected by the refs anywhere near as much as they are now.

A titan of the game and truly the standard that all Evertonians want our players to aspire to.

I'm not too arsed about knighthoods per se but the fact Bill never received one is pretty shameful.

The statue outside the ground is undeniably boss, I trust he will travel to the new ground when we finally move. Hopefully there will be one for Southall by then as well...
No matter how poor we may be at the present time, our history is something we should all be proud of.
William Ralph Dean epitomises that glorious history. We should be shouting his praises from the roof tops. A TRUE legend, unlike today when that word is so misused. I sincerely hope that his statue will be prominent at Bramley Moore and that he features large in any plans for a new stadium.
There’s an argument that with Southall Ball and Dean we’ve arguably had three of the greatest homegrown players in football history.
No argument from me
if your face fits you're in
Leeds finished 2nd 9pts behind Everton and lost the FA Cup final in 1970 yet the footballer of the year was Billy 'kin Bremner
if your face fits you you're in

There’s an argument that with Southall Ball and Dean we’ve arguably had three of the greatest homegrown players in football history.
38th anniversary since his passing today. Though I'd doubt anybody saw him, the stories of his brilliance will always live on. Thanks Dixie for being a true man of our motto.
Have spoken to people who have done. Legend.

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