Summer Transfer Window 2019

Everton's Transfer Window

  • Good

    Votes: 394 49.0%
  • Alright

    Votes: 329 40.9%
  • Poor

    Votes: 81 10.1%

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Just one moment while I tune into the airwaves of transactional amplitude with my sub-£300 multimedia telephonic device: yep, ya, ya, ya, uh huh, it looks like there's a titanically stonking deal to be done if you know which page of the 2019 Transfer Manual to tap tap tap into submission. Right on the nose! Yowzer! No dice today hotshot. That's the Deutschemarket merry-go-round for you - a second too long on the deliberation station and it'll eat you up and spit you out like a half-chewed bratwursteroonie.
Is this code browns?
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I can see your logic but when you factor in the ludicrous wages that this mediocrity are on it makes interest from paying clubs an non starter IMO
It won't make it any easier certainly. But only Walcott is on serious money. The others are all £60k or below, which isn't high by modern standards among the top leagues.

Just one moment while I tune into the airwaves of transactional amplitude with my sub-£300 multimedia telephonic device: yep, ya, ya, ya, uh huh, it looks like there's a titanically stonking deal to be done if you know which page of the 2019 Transfer Manual to tap tap tap into submission. Right on the nose! Yowzer! No dice today hotshot. That's the Deutschemarket merry-go-round for you - a second too long on the deliberation station and it'll eat you up and spit you out like a half-chewed bratwursteroonie.
WTF lol
since when? He wouldn't budge a muscle over Mina and Barca caved in this could be applied to our current targets when every journo was writing Mina to United done deal etc, Brands has got people in a sweat because our name isn't being bandied around all over the media over transfer targets
I'm calm and collected here got all the time in the world for Brands and his way of doing things on the down low
Sorry, my mistake i meant to say when he was at previous clubs, i know it's not quite been like that here. Im only interested in knowing what happened to all these 'identified targets' we had that's all, im sure we will sign players at some point
Just one moment while I tune into the airwaves of transactional amplitude with my sub-£300 multimedia telephonic device: yep, ya, ya, ya, uh huh, it looks like there's a titanically stonking deal to be done if you know which page of the 2019 Transfer Manual to tap tap tap into submission. Right on the nose! Yowzer! No dice today hotshot. That's the Deutschemarket merry-go-round for you - a second too long on the deliberation station and it'll eat you up and spit you out like a half-chewed bratwursteroonie.

Barry homeowner is that you? Fancy a campachoochoo on me?

I agree on Zouma but we aren't doing better than last year without more goals.
The form towards the end of the season was very encouraging.

I expect the same side as last season would be much better than last years showing.

I am sure we will add more than just Gomes and Zouma (hopefully).
And of course Lossl.

Look at how many goals we shipped mid-season compared to after the 17 day break.

I much prefer having a very strong defence than focusing on attack.

Can somebody please weasel something, anything, just one thing to smash this malaise, please

Leao seems set to go for £25mil...lets hope its to us.
It won't make it any easier certainly. But only Walcott is on serious money. The others are all £60k or below, which isn't high by modern standards among the top leagues.

Geared to sell our best players when they hit their prime and want that sort of money?
Is anyone else concerned that we aren’t out building a super team with just 5 weeks to go? Think it might be a quietly held belief on here. Brands is a fraud.

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