Stanley Park

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Funnily enough, I was thinking of changing it for this:

Pure Evil

Along with the Maradona pic of him facing all those Belgian players, this is my favourite footy pic.

Fcuking thatcher ..........the bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fcuking thatcher ..........the bitch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look at Thommo and McDermott there. She's busy obliterating Merseyside and they're giving her a photo opportunity. It's one of the grisliest football episodes of the twentieth century, right up there with the English national team giving it the Seig Heil in Berlin, the Chilean national team playing football in a stadium used to torture people, and the Brazilians and Argentines being feted by their military juntas on winning the WC.
Thatcher supporting Pinochet in extradition . Thatcher personally sending a team of hatchet men to spear Arthur Scragill into a ditch for daring to stand up to her blatant lies . Thatcher almost single handedly setting Merseyside back 20 years . Sick bitch .
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