Homepage Update: Sign O’ The Times

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I didn't even mention the Wirral you utter horror.
Welcome back.


I wasn't even doing previews then. And what would you know? That was years before you signed up wasn't it?

Unless BOOM BOOM BOOM: you're admitting being a four time banned multi.

You're chatting bobbins there again.

The man who was writing match previews and posting on multi's about his dog been bitten by a bat or something.

- GOT never forgets. Or forgives.


And while we are at, Leadership on the pitch. Every team except us seem to berate the officials on every decision. We don't. And while I think the referee decision should be final, if others are taking advantage of his weaknesses then so must we.
You're chatting bobbins there again.

The man who was writing match previews and posting on multi's about his dog been bitten by a bat or something.

- GOT never forgets. Or forgives.
Why don't you write up something Damo, very easy to criticise when you aren't brave enough to put yourself on the line.

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