Homepage Update: Ronald Koeman Sacked

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By my reckoning the club basically flushed £90M down the toilet since Koeman arrived.

We cant suffer losses like that. Which is why I say we'll carry the legacy of summer 2017 around for years to come.

We have basically had one excellent signing (Lukaku) since Moyes left.

A few decent ones - Barry, Gana

A few OK but unlucky/overpriced

And the majority have been overpriced and not required
Never happend before has it? Horrible start to the season and a recovery from Jan onwards has happend countless times to us in recent years and I have faith it will happen this season to with the right manager in place. These types of horrendous starts and slow recovery were in fact the hallmarks of Moyes at one time. A desperate fight for survival you say? In October.............. im in no way, shape or form happy with the dross we are seeing on the pitch right now but can we be serious for a moment!
Who is the right manager tho? Not sure there will be many takers for this job, Spurs used to be the poison chalice that no one wanted to take on but we've now become that club.

Well, a reporter for the mirror is saying he's now wanting a overhaul of the club - which could mean Kenwright, Elstone, Walsh all going
The hope with this has to be that the rumours of exchanging with peel next week whatever that actually means triggers moshiris options on kenwright & woods shares giving him free reign to bring in a new board. Appreciate that's all probably fantasy
Who is the right manager tho? Not sure there will be many takers for this job, Spurs used to be the poison chalice that no one wanted to take on but we've now become that club.
To get enough out of this squad to stay up and achieve a mid table finish? I'd imagine with most of the grabage sides in this league there will be lot's of managers who'd be able to achieve that with relative ease. It's just that the powers that be at Goodison have selected two of the most useless, clueless, incompetent, charlatans to ever grace the managers dugout and have consequently made the job seem much harder then it should.
Based on what? We looked just as lost today as we did under Koeman, at least they didn't look absolutely defeated when the first goal went in.

He steadied the ship at Southampton after a bad start to his second season and the fact he has finished 7th twice and 6th in the last three seasons.

He steadied the ship at Southampton after a bad start to his second season and the fact he has finished 7th twice and 6th in the last three seasons.
Just because he did it there has no bearing on him being able to replicate that here. THAT team has a lot more than THIS one does, despite him spending almost 200m here.
I'm only just back from the game - we are shocking - make no mistake about that. Loads of finger pointing on & off the pitch at the moment. I'll be honest I'm not sure we have the guts to get out of it. Do I blame Koeman for what we've become? Absolutely, but he's not alone.

There's a huge division in that squad - new players on huge wages who reckon they are better than they actually are, older players looking around them at what has happened, young players wondering what they have to do to get into such a disjointed and poorly performing side. Weak at the back, vulnerable to pace and balls behind them, toothless up top, can't hold it or cause problems, so we try to play through a midfield that is uncomfortable on the ball, doesn't win 50/50s and stands off. I tell you what, that combination is relegation standard. See Villa, Sunderland, Cardiff, Newcastle for what we have become.

Koeman was arrogant & inflexible - in his head, I think he was trying to mirror Spurs' by packing a squad with AMs, in the belief goals would be spread across the front line, but none of his signings were as good as Eriksen, Alli, Son etc. So here we are. The slowest centre back pairing in the league, no width and no goal threat. We have a huge squad of players but one thing is for certain there is no team. We conceded first nearly every game & rarely score. Unless we realise how bad we are and front it up we are in one hell of a scrap. Koeman carries the can but so do the supporting cast of Walsh and Kenwright. Time to stop dreaming & start becoming a side that is hard to beat. Can we? Not sure.
I'm only just back from the game - we are shocking - make no mistake about that. Loads of finger pointing on & off the pitch at the moment. I'll be honest I'm not sure we have the guts to get out of it. Do I blame Koeman for what we've become? Absolutely, but he's not alone.

There's a huge division in that squad - new players on huge wages who reckon they are better than they actually are, older players looking around them at what has happened, young players wondering what they have to do to get into such a disjointed and poorly performing side. Weak at the back, vulnerable to pace and balls behind them, toothless up top, can't hold it or cause problems, so we try to play through a midfield that is uncomfortable on the ball, doesn't win 50/50s and stands off. I tell you what, that combination is relegation standard. See Villa, Sunderland, Cardiff, Newcastle for what we have become.

Koeman was arrogant & inflexible - in his head, I think he was trying to mirror Spurs' by packing a squad with AMs, in the belief goals would be spread across the front line, but none of his signings were as good as Eriksen, Alli, Son etc. So here we are. The slowest centre back pairing in the league, no width and no goal threat. We have a huge squad of players but one thing is for certain there is no team. We conceded first nearly every game & rarely score. Unless we realise how bad we are and front it up we are in one hell of a scrap. Koeman carries the can but so do the supporting cast of Walsh and Kenwright. Time to stop dreaming & start becoming a side that is hard to beat. Can we? Not sure.

Good post mate and agree totally. Feel sorry for you’s that went today.

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