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Yep, they were there for the taking. They were cruising and have their minds on Europe. We didn't play badly but we essentially handed them the game on a platter. Should have been at least a point for us. We won't get many more chances like that. Just have to hope the likes of Palace, Leicester and Brentford have their minds on their summer holidays. Burnley and Watford will also be playing middling safe teams as well though.
What concerns me is we didn't do anything once they got the second. We just seem clueless all over the place.
They played a full strength team and were obviously doing all they could to win. Moyes was going berserk on the line trying to push them on.

There's too much of this stuff: every single thing our players do is rubbish and the opposition weren't playing their best. We all know our players aren;t good enough but there has to be some balance. How on earth do you come to the conclusion that West Ham were at 80% and how can you distinguish them throttling back and Everton not allowing them to be dominant?
When they went 1 up I thought here we go again
When we got the equaliser I thought we may be a chance here
I then honestly thought at best we will get a draw, I was never confident of winning
I think my concern was they appeared they had more options and we would fold or make errors

Maybe this is down to me having little or no confidence in this bunch of players

Said for a while I think we will escape relegation, but think it will because others are just crap…..
When they went 1 up I thought here we go again
When we got the equaliser I thought we may be a chance here
I then honestly thought at best we will get a draw, I was never confident of winning
I think my concern was they appeared they had more options and we would fold or make errors

Maybe this is down to me having little or no confidence in this bunch of players

Said for a while I think we will escape relegation, but think it will because others are just crap…..
I thought when we equalised we needed to consoldate and get behind the ball. The players seemed to believe they could go on and get a quick second, and that undid us on the day. We got caught high up the pitch and that should never have happened.
It's ironic fans of other clubs laying this on Lampard and revelling in it, when in a league of the board, the players and the recruitment and the manager he is at the bottom when it comes to blame. He's been here a few months he's made a few mistakes he's improved the home form slightly but this squad is the culmination of six years of dysfunction and the root of it comes from the top down. If we go down it's on Moshiri and Kenwright.

Spot on mate, well said.
They played a full strength team and were obviously doing all they could to win. Moyes was going berserk on the line trying to push them on.

There's too much of this stuff: every single thing our players do is rubbish and the opposition weren't playing their best. We all know our players aren;t good enough but there has to be some balance. How on earth do you come to the conclusion that West Ham were at 80% and how can you distinguish them throttling back and Everton not allowing them to be dominant?

I don’t often agree with you Dave, but I fully agree with your stance on backing Lampard all the way.

I thought when we equalised we needed to consoldate and get behind the ball. The players seemed to believe they could go on and get a quick second, and that undid us on the day. We got caught high up the pitch and that should never have happened.
Even the dullard commentators said much the same. Everton got carried away after the equaliser and lost shape and concentration. It is hardly surprising that our players have so little experience of what to do when you equalis in a game though, is it....?
I thought when we equalised we needed to consoldate and get behind the ball. The players seemed to believe they could go on and get a quick second, and that undid us on the day. We got caught high up the pitch and that should never have happened.
I was at the game and I agree that we seemed to lose our composure and adherence to the game plan.
I had the game down as a “nil pointer” before the match but having seen the way we played up to our equaliser I thought we could hold on for a point.
It's ironic fans of other clubs laying this on Lampard and revelling in it, when in a league of the board, the players and the recruitment and the manager he is at the bottom when it comes to blame. He's been here a few months he's made a few mistakes he's improved the home form slightly but this squad is the culmination of six years of dysfunction and the root of it comes from the top down. If we go down it's on Moshiri and Kenwright.
?, We have to get behind lampard ,there is no way that the blame ends at his door.If we go down ,Christ the thought of it ,but if we do the blame lies with the 2nd rate players ,Moshiri,kenwright and brands. They bought crap with big wages and long contracts .

It's ironic fans of other clubs laying this on Lampard and revelling in it, when in a league of the board, the players and the recruitment and the manager he is at the bottom when it comes to blame. He's been here a few months he's made a few mistakes he's improved the home form slightly but this squad is the culmination of six years of dysfunction and the root of it comes from the top down. If we go down it's on Moshiri and Kenwright
What’s also becoming apparent, is that some of the media seem to be revEllington
It's ironic fans of other clubs laying this on Lampard and revelling in it, when in a league of the board, the players and the recruitment and the manager he is at the bottom when it comes to blame. He's been here a few months he's made a few mistakes he's improved the home form slightly but this squad is the culmination of six years of dysfunction and the root of it comes from the top down. If we go down it's on Moshiri and Kenwright.

Some of the press seem to be queuing up to stick the boot into him too, yet, the same journos never said a dicky bird about Benitez and the irreparable damage he‘s done to the team.
We just have to believe that we’re capable of beating Burnley away from home. We just don’t seem to have that belief in any single away game that we can get even a point but we have to go out there this week, expect to dominate the ball, expect to create chances and expect to win.

I fear we’ll go out with 5 at the back though and invite Burnley on and then concede first. We need to be looking at blasting them off the park.

No doubt Dwight McNeil is warming up for his one good game of the season as we speak though.
My first ever away game was Burnley away 1969/70 a massive game on the title run in. The game on Wednesday is probably a bigger game as this time we can't afford to lose.
I won't be there on Wednesday as I have just been diagnosed with Prostate cancer which is a bit of a bummer but you know what occupies my mind when I wake up at night ? Not worrying about the cancer no it's this gang of soft shites getting my team relegated.
On a happier note we won 2-1 in 1970 as I am sure you know.
Sorry to hear that mate
It puts football and Everton in perspective really. Football doesn’t matter.
I wish you all the best in the battle ahead and hope Everton can give you a cheer along the way
Stay strong and you will beat it. All the best mate

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