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It's ironic fans of other clubs laying this on Lampard and revelling in it, when in a league of the board, the players and the recruitment and the manager he is at the bottom when it comes to blame. He's been here a few months he's made a few mistakes he's improved the home form slightly but this squad is the culmination of six years of dysfunction and the root of it comes from the top down. If we go down it's on Moshiri and Kenwright.
Certainly Lampard has a lot of haters particularly in London due to his Chelsea career.
They want to see him fail just like many of us would like to see SG fail at Villa.
watching that Tifo video from a few days ago, depressing stuff. Starting to imagine where players go who do leave.

The only positive from relegation would be that these players would be out the club for good. Sick to death of them. They’ve blighted years of my life with their complete apathy. I’m hoping that whatever happens this season has been a career destroyer for a few of them.

Keane, Kenny, Coleman, Siggurdson, Davies Tosun (yes I know the last three haven’t played this season before the usual lot bleat on but they’ve been useless for years) are finished as regular premier league footballers, they’ll be lucky to get in a PL squad ever again. Keane can completely forget any ludicrous notion of being an international ever again

Delph is finished at Everton and in all likelihood with the premier league. Gomes is probably finished at any sort of ‘big’ club in a big league. The best he might be able to do is lower end Serie A or La Liga but his days as an international are over. So too for Allan (although I think he as at least tried this season) and Doucoure (who hasn’t) who will be lucky if any prem team touches him again after Watford and now this.

The forward players might have more of a chance but Everton is probably the best Iwobi and Gray can do right now. Richarlison and DCL could move but it probably won’t be for the status or money they want.

They’ll all deserve it as well. Apart from Gordon, the other youth players, and Mykolenko (adaptation period that other signings didn’t need coming from the prem), Mina (injured) and Pickford (been steady) who can say they’ve played anywhere near their best for us at any point this season?

I can see why fans are concerned, and I am too, but some are quick to label us terrible but at the same time big up other teams below us in the table.

If Burnley are a much better defence than us (conceded 9 less), then that means we have a much better attack than them (we've scored 8 more). Burnley and Watford are below us in the table for a reason. They are both awful teams.

Burnley have only won 3 all season and even if they beat us, which is likely, they'll still struggle to add 2-3 more wins after that. Same with Watford.

We have the home games to try and get about 8-9 points and hope we can get a point or two away. I think 35 points will probably be enough but even if we only manage about 33, there are no guarantees Burnley and Watford will even reach that either.

We may have 1 win in however long. Burnley have 3 in 28. They are a horrendous football team.
Burnley started very poorly too and we last won away in August
I was responding to a posters exaggerated confidence we stay up
I am not bigging those teams up by I am being realistic enough to say we aren't any better, particularly away
We have the worst away record out of 92 clubs across all divisions, not just the prem and we play Burnley away
If Burnley beat us which you believe is likely then they play Norwich which could be another 3pts in the bag meaning we could be 2pts behind them after we play utd with far better teams still to play
This is the reality and our players just don't seem up to it...I'd love them to prove me wrong but I suspect they are quite aware of their own failings now and still aren't doing the business
It’s hard to see this side getting a result against any other team in the league right now.

Unless we have an Adrian heath / Oxford moment, we are down.
Was at that game, and your theory is great, but that team had a few players in it with some character and bottle - Southall, Mountfield, Stevens, Reid, Sheedy, Heath, Sharp etc! I wouldn’t trust the current shower to fight their way out of a wet paper bag with any confidence!
I got that what's up as well mate, not quite right though is it? Branthwaite scored at Stamford Bridge a couple of months ago..
Yes true, he did score fair play to him
I think it was the same length of time though which adds's a funny analogy, but either way we are crap!
All valid points. But in that case we fully deserve to go down and there’s not much point worrying about it.

We are a different team at goodison under lampard so am confident we pick up wins there.

It’s whether we can avoid defeat/beat Burnley and Watford away which is my main concern.

The thing we have to remember is, we have been awful all season really and still we aren’t in the bottom three plus have played 2/3 games less - so that suggests that Burnley and Watford are just as terrible. Popped on a Burnley forum last night and they are adamant they aren’t the team they were and are going down. All will be revealed weds night.
They don't quite seem the same resilient Burnley it has to be said, but in terms of form we are below them and this is the business end now. Both those key games you mentioned are away and we have the worst away record across all divisions.
I agree, if we go down we deserve it, no doubt about that

The only positive from relegation would be that these players would be out the club for good. Sick to death of them. They’ve blighted years of my life with their complete apathy. I’m hoping that whatever happens this season has been a career destroyer for a few of them.

Keane, Kenny, Coleman, Siggurdson, Davies Tosun (yes I know the last three haven’t played this season before the usual lot bleat on but they’ve been useless for years) are finished as regular premier league footballers, they’ll be lucky to get in a PL squad ever again. Keane can completely forget any ludicrous notion of being an international ever again

Delph is finished at Everton and in all likelihood with the premier league. Gomes is probably finished at any sort of ‘big’ club in a big league. The best he might be able to do is lower end Serie A or La Liga but his days as an international are over. So too for Allan (although I think he as at least tried this season) and Doucoure (who hasn’t) who will be lucky if any prem team touches him again after Watford and now this.

The forward players might have more of a chance but Everton is probably the best Iwobi and Gray can do right now. Richarlison and DCL could move but it probably won’t be for the status or money they want.

They’ll all deserve it as well. Apart from Gordon, the other youth players, and Mykolenko (adaptation period that other signings didn’t need coming from the prem), Mina (injured) and Pickford (been steady) who can say they’ve played anywhere near their best for us at any point this season?
Same. They feel like a waste of my time and energy and I have never felt that way about an Everton side. It bothers me a lot. I want a total overall of the squad Crystal Palace style if we get the chance to do it
I see what you mean but we just can´t keep losing away game after away game. At some point either Burnely or Watford will put two wins together and that will be us done for.
I agree. We badly need a win or three - and relying on Goodison to provide them would be folly.

I wont be desolate if we draw against Burnley, but if we're to get out of this it's a game we really should be winning. Trouble is, we're away from home and we play a team not much worse than us.
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