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Yup, I am as pessimistic as anybody when it comes to Everton - well, others call it pessimistic, I find it realistic and the evidence tends to bear me out - but I can't see us dropping by accident or unluckily. We have more than enough to get out of it if we apply ourselves and show the requisite heart. If we cannot do that, then we will thoroughly deserve to drop.
Lampard has now had 4 games to judge, he should more or less know what’s what now. Hopefully he has worked out 2 in midfield doesn’t work.
Only the Burnley result was but I’ve already accepted Burnley are staying up. They don’t concede goals.
It’s highly possible though they won’t keep it up, at times they have been dire this season. Same with Newcastle and they have lost Trippier who gave them a massive boost. Those 2 are still currently below us, form can change very quick.

There’s only one person to thank for this


A lot will be down to if we can keep a midfield three of Allan,doucoure and vdb fit. When Godfrey is back fit I’d also put Holgate in at right back. We just need to get as solid as possible, if Mina was fit I’d go back to the 4 centre backs across the back four a la Carlo.

Holgate Mina Keane GODfrey
Allan doucoure vdb
Richy DCL grey

There is no way that team should go down - even if you replace Mina with Mykolenko.
Once we drop into the bottom 3, we will struggle to get out of it. These stout lion hearts of ours will fold like a deckchair. Lampard will pull off a miracle if he manages to keep us up.
They will keep it up, Burnley are safe.
They aren't safe mate. They look unlikely to go down i agree but saying they are safe while they sit in a relegation spot is pointless.

I'm fed hearing how Newcastle and Burnley are safe. They have as much chance of going down as we do.

There no certainties here unless people can read into the future.

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