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We're not going down, come on now. Unfortunately it will very likely be the umpteenth season of nothingness though.
Two defeats, one capitulation and people think it's inevitable we're getting relegated. Astonishing.
This season will go pretty much like most of the seasons before it and probably a fair few after it: some good wins, some lucky wins, some defeats (some defeats against teams everyone else whips), crash out of the cups with a whimper, and finish somewhere around the middle of the table, before we all start looking forward to the new season and new signings before rinse and repeat a few months in...
You have to be absolutely dismal to go down these days. There's 3 teams worse than we'll ever be.

My concern is this Everton board repeating their previous 3 years again.
I think that is a bit of what the problem is!
There is no jeopardy to actually being garbage!

The upper echelons of the club are all far to comfortable plodding along finishing between 9th & 13th to ever feel the pressure of actual relegation, that will never happen and they know it!

We are from the outside looking in the most boring club in football!

Only a matter of time for me, paper thin squad with only 2/3 quality players, we now have no money to improve and I’d bet my life on DCL and Rico wanting out this summer

Our run up to New Year looks horrendous and could easily see us in the bottom 5, do these players have the mental strength to dig themselves out of danger, I’d say not looking at the characters in the squad, how will they be mentally if the get hidings like yesterday from the likes of Chelsea / City / Liverpool / Spurs etc

Once the rot kicks in does this manager and squad turn it around?

I’m looking at the table and praying there’s two other sides on top of Norwich who will keep failing to win
My god. 2 weeks ago people were asking if we can get top 4. Now it's relegation.

Can everyone please stop being so melodramatic and extreme?
This reeks of the vicars wife in The Simpsons, with her overdramatic shrill. "Won't somebody think of the children!!"

The weekend was beyond embarrassing. I lost my head and voice over it. But relegated? Maybe if the spine of the team never returns (Mina, Doucoure, DCL) along with more long term injuries and heads completely fall off. But otherwise, it'll simply be another nothing season.
The money we have spent since Moshiri arrived only to be so far behind our local rivals is a footballing sham.
Agree that the amount of money wasted has been an absolute disgrace, but the idea that mid-table Everton could throw £400m at transfers and suddenly be better than (or at least challenging) the likes of Liverpool, City and United is not realistic. It dread to think how much money it would take to go toe-to-toe with them, week in week out, every season or become an established team in the top 4. (That said, look at Leicester. They're not really a threat to the top 4 but are arguably "best of the rest" having recruited brilliantly for a fraction of our spend, European football, bit of silverware in the bag, clear plan and a club going places).
The upper echelons of the club are all far to comfortable plodding along finishing between 9th & 13th to ever feel the pressure of actual relegation, that will never happen and they know it!

We are from the outside looking in the most boring club in football!
May I present, Norwich City. A football club whose only ambition and entire business model is shaped towards ensuring they are the 21st best team in the country. Stroll the Championship every second year, get walloped in the Prem but have 19 nice days out every second year. I doubt there's a more boring and pointless club in the world than Norwich.

As for finishing between 9th and 13th, I'd imagine that's pretty much either par for the course for half a dozen teams in the Prem or the aim for half a dozen teams in the Prem. The top 4 is probably a closed shop given the wealth they have vs everyone else (at least til Newcastle start throwing £500k a week at Haaland or kicking Riola £20m commission on every player he can convince to come), so a number of teams will just plod along in the middle of the table season in season out and be happy with it.

It won't be this season, but if the money has dried up due to the stadium expenses, we'll be down before it's built.
Our next two months consists of really, really tough games. We have a paper thin squad and without key players until January possibly...One more injury to Allan, we are screwed.
May I present, Norwich City. A football club whose only ambition and entire business model is shaped towards ensuring they are the 21st best team in the country. Stroll the Championship every second year, get walloped in the Prem but have 19 nice days out every second year. I doubt there's a more boring and pointless club in the world than Norwich.

As for finishing between 9th and 13th, I'd imagine that's pretty much either par for the course for half a dozen teams in the Prem or the aim for half a dozen teams in the Prem. The top 4 is probably a closed shop given the wealth they have vs everyone else (at least til Newcastle start throwing £500k a week at Haaland or kicking Riola £20m commission on every player he can convince to come), so a number of teams will just plod along in the middle of the table season in season out and be happy with it.
I see your cynical attitude has fogged the reality if you get promoted it is not boring ,I too see the point you failed to make that we could be worse but boring is -the post you made that regurgitates the same old dribble -now that is boring .
As a fact 9th to 13th is five clubs not half a dozen

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