reality check

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Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.

We've been a disaster in the transfer market.
Id say at least ancelloti has improved with what hes brought in so far. Doucoure dury still out but james and allan sound. Godfrey looks one for future.
Before that almost all have been disasters.
Serious fingers crossed moshri backs ancelloti in two more windows as i think he will get more right than wrong.
But even as i type this i think will brands. And get concerned again.
we're 6th to 10th at best this season, unless we get some serious investment.

i'm quite happy with carlo and the style of football he plays and have no delusions of grandeur.

please can we just stop judging the team as if they are anything other than world-beaters.

we have serious investment. We have gone of the boil, and people heads are falling off and we should just cease to exist.

when we start winning again all will be forgotten
Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.

Everton go on a bad run of form, and your good self crawls out of your rock for the first time since July.Don't get me wrong, opposition fans are most welcome.But you only seem to post on here, when we lose or in a bad run of form.
Our losses against Southampton, Newcastle, Utd and Leeds on top of holding on for dear life against Palace and Fulham tell a different story.

At the moment we are poor.

I can understand with Richarlison out why we might be so poor but with just full backs missing (albeit very good ones) it shows once again we have vertebrate made from jelly.

thats the point.
“At the moment”

you have picked negative extremes as your normal.

thats not were we will average out.

I don’t think it’s too much to expect them to be arsed for 90 minutes once a week. We are paying them top 6 wages to walk around the pitch with absolutely no fight, commitment or pride in the shirt (Alan aside).
We’ve spent close to £540 million over the past five seasons and pay one of the highest wages in the world to our manager, all to get turned over easily by Leeds at home, the whole supporting Everton and the constant false dawns gets very tedious very quickly.
Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.

hmmmm.....kopite alert
Weve had 30 years of reality checks. I'd like the reality to change at some point.

We are the most predictable team in English football. Not been relegated in about 60 years thankfully and far too good always to go down. But nowhere near good enough to ever actually challenge in the top 6 or so or to win something.

Genuinely don't see the point of us at the minute. We exist to plod along doing absolutely nothing of note. If we get into a good position, we take two steps back. Nothing will ever change.
That sums up how I feel. Thank God that I'm an old sod and remember 4 (less really, 3 and a bit) of success in the mid-80s.
Moshiri’s investment in transfer fees is colossal, possibly only surpassed by ManC and ManU in recent seasons? He continued this in summer 2020, when many other clubs in the EPL and across the continent reined it in due to the financial crisis in football. Before CV19, he was bankrolling £106m annual losses, with wages almost equalling income.
If anything is wrong, it’s the people spending his money.
The RS spent pretty much the same amount. I sense an agenda.
The reality check is that we're mid table at best, and don't look too much better than the flotsam at the foot of the table. Well see what happens, but judging by the evidence so far, we will be much closer to the duds at the bottom than those chasing a European place.

Just a hunch, but we're just repeating the same mistakes we've made over the last 10-15 years, putting faith in the same type of lazy, overpaid, useless, crablike, backpassing, slow, gormless halfwits we've always seemed to like at goodison.

Why do we buy players who are so painfully slow, or players who take an eternity to make a decision on the ball and then decide the best option is the cowardly backpass to pickford?

I'd love to see how many times pickford recieved the ball from a backpass from our players tonight, and indeed this season. He's got to be the busiest keeper in the league on the backpass count surely?

That first international break coupled with what happened over the Derby really killed momentum in hindsight

Absolutely. Say if we didn't have to play that lot until December and the 2nd wave of the virus postponed international travel then with that initial lift god knows how far it could have gone.

Our players probably saw the whole media crapstorm after the derby and realised we'll never be allowed to succeed.
This is the life of a Blue I am afraid. We have been mismanaged from top to bottom for the past 25 years.....there is light tho....we have the manager....we have a few very good players....but there is no quick fix....its going to take time.....and quite a bit of luck players wise

And hope that some of those few very good players we have don't want to move on.
we're 6th to 10th at best this season, unless we get some serious investment.

i'm quite happy with carlo and the style of football he plays and have no delusions of grandeur.

please can we just stop judging the team as if they are anything other than world-beaters.
rubbish mate, this guy has had 12 months to reinvigorate this team, all we have is the same lack of effort with different personnel , the football is dire, the players cant do basic stuff and the team is disorganised and happy to let opposition pass round them, and shoot at will, they are tactically unable to press the ball because they are effin lazy and slow, its like a coming together of the Koeman, Silva and now this washed up buffoon. we have been outplayed in every game this season for long periods........ absolute rubbish

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