2021/22 Rafael Benitez


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He (& Brands ) had plenty of time to sort the squad. Dont harp on about the £1.5 mil is all he had , he had a £32 mil bid for Luis Diaz turned down.
There were lots of loans took place over the summer if money was tight.
No excuses for this.
You know we had a £32m bid turned down do you??

The DOF has had 3 years to find a RB and failed. The state of this squad is an absolute disgrace and there’s one common denominator. Brands has been an absolute disaster and whoever the manager was to be this season, he has been thrown right under the bus.

Not sure what else the manager could’ve done today, aside from throw Simms on for half an hour. The squad is not good enough and if you think Benitez is responsible for that you’re absolutely deluded.

1 defeat in 6 ganes.

I'm happy for now.
I'm always grumpy after a loss. Especially when I go out to watch it with 2 red mates. But I'm not unhappy with 10 points.

I'm very unhappy at the squad options available for the next fortnight and how this has been allowed to happy. Our squad depth will hurt us badly. A good start can unravel quickly if we dont get players back fit.
Did you really feel hurt when we lost today? I genuinely hope so.

I do worry about some on here. People should never be a in a position whereby they've left themselves open to being miserable when their own club plays and wins.

It sounds exhausting to keep up such a futile struggle for what will be years.

I appeal again for certain people to drop their opposition to the manager if it's to such an extent that they cant enjoy the Everton communion where we all come together to will our club to win matches. By all means continue not to like his presence in the dugout, but dont give up part of your identity for years to come...that could prove a very hard thing to fully get back.
I go the game , do you ?
My loyalty is for the club and is un waivering yet you cant get your head round it.
Like you with Brands , Duncan & James , because you dont want them there does that lessen your loyalty to the club ?

I savour EVERY win , doesnt mean that Benitez is fit enough to be the manager.

He's a dinosaur and well past his sell by.
What position is that pops?
You know what mate. I've spent the last 6 weeks trying to be diplomatic and giving Benitez the benefit of the doubt as regards James.

But I've been taken for a mug. I was right about him all along. The arrogant prick.

GTF out of my club and you can take all the psychophants with you.

I've had it with him now. I'm with Tommye
I'm always grumpy after a loss. Especially when I go out to watch it with 2 red mates. But I'm not unhappy with 10 points.

I'm very unhappy at the squad options available for the next fortnight and how this has been allowed to happy. Our squad depth will hurt us badly. A good start can unravel quickly if we dont get players back fit.
We're in for a slump of sorts. How can we not given the extent of those sidelined and how importnat they are? We're without an attack for maybe a month.

The ressult today pales into comparison in relation to this injury crisis.

You only have to see the reaction to the previous 5 matches when we won or drew: a sullen resentment at the result from some.

Some people are making themselves miserable with theirt opposition to the manager. They dont have to state it.

To be fair Dave, whenever we have lost, under any manager, most fan spaces are quite down heartened. I dont think (for the most part) theres much malice in it, it probably helps people overcome the defeat. Its just one of them.
You only have to see the reaction to the previous 5 matches when we won or drew: a sullen resentment at the result from some.

Some people are making themselves miserable with theirt opposition to the manager. They dont have to state it.
You know what mate. I've spent the last 6 weeks trying to be diplomatic and giving Benitez the benefit of the doubt as regards James.

But I've been taken for a mug. I was right about him all along. The arrogant prick.

GTF out of my club and you can take all the psychophants with you.

I've had it with him now. I'm with Tommye
lol lol lol

One loss in six matches.

FFS this is hilarious.

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