6 + 2 Point Deductions

I disagree - its a breach of PSR by less than £20 million, and has attracted almost the upper end of the scale of points deduction (10 out of a maximum 12) despite extensive cooperation and them looking over the books.

The verdict might not be overturned but the deduction could (should) be reduced, simply because it (if left in place) leaves clubs thinking of breaching PSR a precedent that you may as well absolutely cane it and obstruct the process because you'll only get an extra two points if they find you guilty.
Nah. They won't be taking off points then adding them back. The 10 points will stay.

It maybe worth taking the punishment and staying up due to the bottom 3 being rubbish. An appeal might push it into next season when the league could well be stronger.
Maybe time to look at our accounts. We have not been run competently for years, an owner and board not fit for purpose who stopped AGMs to avoid scrutiny. The fact that other clubs may have also broken the rules doesn't mean we haven't and that the punishment is not appropriate. Time to concentrate on us not other clubs and hope the people in charge now are making correct decisions.
Hopefully this brings to a swift conclusion any talk of naming stands after failed administrators who have put the club in probably its worst position in its history and have dragged the name of Everton Football Club through the mud
We'll be fine this season, nice bit of motivation to stick it to the Premier League by not being relegated. We can only wait to see what happens with City, Chelsea and and any others who fall foul of this. (Probably nothing as City will tie it up in legal proceedings for years). They have the cash to fight the Premier league for as long as they want. It's not surprising and could have been worse.
The points deduction is a disgrace and should be reduced on appeal, as many have said this surely opens other teams to bigger punishments. But unfortunately this league is too corrupt to hand out proper punishments to City & Chelsea.

I think though is could be the best thing for our Goodison form as this will galvanise the fan base in one direction for the first time in a long while. I can see it being torture for Manu utd and hopefully other teams that come now before the end of the season as we fight fight fight. COYB!!

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