2017/18 Oumar Niasse

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There’s no doubt that he was impeded. There may not have been enough contact for him to go down but Dann made no attempt to play the ball and just tried to block the player. Which should be a foul anyway.

Hope this gets appealed. They’ve picked the wrong incident to make a statement with.
Big picture, if this moves us toward getting the over the top acting out of the game, I'm fine with it.

To me, whether it was a foul or not is less important than Niasse's reaction, which didn't fit the crime.

If this were the derby and it was Coutinho that went down, i'd be livid.
Delli Ali spends the whole game going down like a $5 whore, no action. Sanchez does the same - no action, boy in blue - burn him at the stake.

Sure he went over easily, but when it is one of the other teams, then "he is entitled to go down when there is contact" argument appears, not so for our useless git.

The whole lot sickens me. Missing my first home game for some years this week, for the first time in my life, I don't want to go, even though I bought a ticket.
Whether the afters is theatrical or not, is there any contact to kick start that. If it's yes then it's not a dive, if no, then it is.

Simulation would be to start going down before he reached Dann.
I guess this is where we might have to agree to disagree.

Ignore every other player and dive in the world and for a moment only consider Niasse vs Dann.

For me, the lad sees it coming and starfishes to the floor in a completely unnatural manner. In the moment I thought it was a dive, and after seeing it a million times more I believe it was a dive.

If simply having any contact is enough to go down, then every player in the box every time there is a free kick or corner would just floor themselves.

I guess this is where we might have to agree to disagree.

Ignore every other player and dive in the world and for a moment only consider Niasse vs Dann.

For me, the lad sees it coming and starfishes to the floor in a completely unnatural manner. In the moment I thought it was a dive, and after seeing it a million times more I believe it was a dive.

If simply having any contact is enough to go down, then every player in the box every time there is a free kick or corner would just floor themselves.

They do...or some players do...
He clearly took a dive to go down.

Nice though, look at this as an enforced break. Oumar is quickly becoming our most important player. Maybe it's best that he doesn't run himself into the ground by December.
I don't mind them taking action against diving. I do have a HUGE problem with them using us as an example. This has been going on for so long and no action has been taken. I have seen much worse go by without so much as a peep. Because we are struggling and aren't competing with the 'Sky 6,' they have decided to use us to set the standard.

Another thing that really pisses me off: there was contact. When somebody is running at that pace and hits someone obstructing their path, they are unlikely to stay on their feet. Did he exaggerate the contact? Of course. Absolute nonsense regardless.

Inconsistency is and always will be driven by a bias media. These self proclaimed expert pundits have too much influence and power. They cherry pick offences according to their self righteous opinion and turn a blind eye to rule breaking by their favorites.
I don't mind them taking action against diving. I do have a HUGE problem with them using us as an example. This has been going on for so long and no action has been taken. I have seen much worse go by without so much as a peep. Because we are struggling and aren't competing with the 'Sky 6,' they have decided to use us to set the standard.

Another thing that really pisses me off: there was contact. When somebody is running at that pace and hits someone obstructing their path, they are unlikely to stay on their feet. Did he exaggerate the contact? Of course. Absolute nonsense.

This. Massive difference - as ridiculous as it sounds - between "exaggeration" and "simulation".
Can definitely see an Andy Johnson style backlash against him now.

Remember Mourinho saying he was a diver and never got a penalty since

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