Old Everton Pictures


For @degsy -Archibald Leitch's tender for the building of the 'new' Gladwys Street Stand - costing £34,602, 12 shillings and fourpence! -

Later the various slumps and the Rent Acts secured the tenants of the doomed houses a further extension.

“But two years ago Everton decided that the time was ripe to give 13,000 more fans an opportunity to watch their famous team.

“Accordingly the tenants of one half of Gwladys Street were asked to find other accommodation and given £25 each to help in their search.

“But one man - Mr William Fraser, an ex-soldier who is now a patient at the Ministry of Pensions Hospital in Park Avenue, Mossley Hill, refused to leave.

“The Everton club was beginning to get anxious. Plans for the new stand had been submitted to the authorities and it was hoped that the stand would be ready for next season.

Mr Theo Kelly, Secretary of the Everton club, said: “Everything has now been amicably arranged and Mr Fraser and his family are willing to leave the house as soon as suitable accommodation can be found. The stand, which will increase our accommodation by about 13,000, should be ready for next season.”

Everton didn’t hang about.

A tender was submitted by Archibald Leitch to an Everton Board meeting the very same day, January 26th 1937 -


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