Should we keep NSNO or kill it?

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The motto is still sound. It's the people in charge who haven't adhered to it and let the malaise run through the club who need to change.

Nil satis nisi optimum. That's my Everton. Ultimately it means we should aspire to be the best at everything we do as a club.

If everyone does this for the rest of the season we'd be safe. If we had done it for the whole of the season we'd be up in the top half of the table at least.

Only kopites would want us to forget our motto in my eyes.

I don't think it should be binned off.

If our board had an ounce of self respect they'd be ashamed whenever they see it. It should serve a constant reminder of what we should aspire to. Of course, you can always be 'the best' but it shouldn't be for the lack.of a plan or execution.

I'm eagerly waiting for the outcome of the strategic review, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it hardly mentioned the exec level performance.

I don't think it should be binned off.

If our board had an ounce of self respect they'd be ashamed whenever they see it. It should serve a constant reminder of what we should aspire to. Of course, you can always be 'the best' but it shouldn't be for the lack.of a plan or execution.

I'm eagerly waiting for the outcome of the strategic review, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if it hardly mentioned the exec level performance.

Strategic review ! That should be interesting. If the Moshiri years have shown us much it's that there wasn't much of any sort of strategy apart from solutioneering problems with money. Doubt a relegation strategy was ever even discussed. See how that turns out for us !

The motto stays. It's imperative that future players share that ethos. It's the minimum we expect. Try engraining that into highly paid, disenfranchised young men though.

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