New Everton Stadium Discussion

There are now only 11 months of the year.

August has been cancelled as its named after a Roman Emperor.

Augusta used millions of mainly white slaves in his legions over many decades building many roads and Cities fighting many wars and defending the Roman Empire.

Apologies to those with birthdays in August.

All makes sense now, my wife was born in August.
He has. Davek was the first to realise this unfortunate connection to the slave trade.

It's no surprise to me that it's now being brought up as others have caught on.

What's this about "thank god" the name won't change?

Dave is spot on, Bramley Moore was scum - his name should rightfully now die.

The sooner the club announce the name of the stadium the better. Because then it will be "the brand stadium development" rather than BMD.
Did you complain about the name of the Dock before the Everton connection. In fact did anyone?
