New Everton Stadium Discussion

I know literally next to nothing about building.

Would it take ages to drain the dock and build all the foundations with plumbing etc. or is a good thing that we don't need to dig?

Practicalities folks, practicalities.

I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to get the first team squad fit and would just cost some rope and 30 buckets.
Yes mate. I've said in the past I think it will be beginning of season 2021/22 when we play in our new stadium.

This has always been my guess/assumption. First league game in August 2021 but the stadium would be ready several months ahead of that, would need testing with limited crowds at friendlies to get the fire safety certificate and insurance cover and checking turnstile software, holding mock evacuations and everything else compliance and safety related and maybe to have complete dummy runs on all the logistics for the immediate area with stewarding, traffic flows, car parking.....

If Everton said new stadium at BMD, 60k capacity, ready for August 2021 I would bite their hand off.
