New Everton Stadium Discussion

70,000 would be absurd and a daft investment.

Before Martinez we were averaging around 36,000 attendance. Man City have gone from being in the second division to winning league titles and still struggled to fill their ground even before it was expanded.

It's approaching RAWK levels of delusion to suggest a 70,000 seater stadium for Everton.

How do you feel about 60k in the first instance? The 70k would only follow in time if circumstances justified it.
Everytime we have a capacity discussion I'm amazed at how small some of our fans have become conditioned to think by decades of mediocrity and under-investment.

Did any of you seriously think Chelsea or City or Spurs or Arsenal or West Ham would want/need the kind of capacities they now have or are developing?

What changed for them was ambitious ownership delivering success at PL level (or one half decent season & a shed load of taxpayers money in West Ham's case).

If we seriously want to compete with these teams we have to share the same ambitious mind-set on & off the pitch. The current & planned stadium developments are setting 'par' for a club with top 6 PL ambitions at 60k.

If we seriously don't think we can be good enough or attractive enough to deliver the team and fans to justify that then it is time to admit to ourselves that we no longer claim to be or aspire to be a big club.
See below Esk, I know you've pointed out the biggest barrier to Usmanov getting rid of his Arsenal shares is the lack of a market for selling them. Perhaps this guy provides the solution?

Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest man, plans to buy London-based Arsenal soccer team within four years.

Dangote, a Nigerian worth $10.9 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, announced his intention to buy the club last year. He said he needs to wait for his business prospects to improve and his investments in gas pipelines and an oil refinery to play out before making the acquisition.

“There’s no doubt” he’ll buy Arsenal and “it’s not a problem” of money, Dangote said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in New York on Wednesday. “Maybe three to four years. The issue is that we have more challenging headwinds. I need to get those out the way first and start having tailwinds. Then I’ll focus on this.”

Dangote, an Arsenal fan, has lost $4.4 billion this year, the fourth most of anyone globally, due mainly to the depreciation of Nigeria’s currency, the billionaires index shows. The bulk of his wealth is tied up in Lagos-based Dangote Cement Plc. An acquisition of the team would make him the first African owner of a team in England’s Premier League.

“It’s not about buying Arsenal and just continuing with business as usual,” he said. “It’s about buying Arsenal and turning it around. I’ve run a very successful business and I think I can also run a very successful team. Right now, with what we’re facing, over $20 billion of projects, I cannot do both.”

While Arsenal has won 13 top flight league titles in England, making it one of the country’s most successful sides, it’s last was in 2004.

Arsenal Holdings Plc, the owner, trades on the ICAP Securities & Derivatives Exchange, or ISDX, and has a market capitalization of 1 billion pounds ($1.3 billion).

Stan Kroenke, worth $7 billion and owner of the National Basket Association’s Denver Nuggets, holds 67 percent of Arsenal Holdings, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Daily Newsletter 2016-09-22&utm_term=Energy Voice - Newsletter

Dangote has been 'interested' in Arsenal for years but never acquired any shares. He was supposed to be interested in buying Bracell-Smith's 11% in April 2011 but the shares were acquired by Kroenke.

I don't think he is a credible buyer of Arsenal besides them not being for sale.

So, when are we expecting an announcement? I can't wait.
Let's build a 60,000. We'll fill it. Just think of all the fans who are fed up with rubbish parking. Worse food, obstructed views.... We need a statement. This is our ground and its boss... Let's go for it.
As a condition of their lease West Ham must provide Newham Council with (from memory) a couple of thousand tickets per game to be distributed into the local community.

If you think small don't be surprised if you stay small. I'm not saying whack up to 70k now but 55k-60k should be minimum.

The stadium is a badge of honour and all our rivals will have 60k stadiums soon, we need to keep up.
Exactly. It's a massive draw to players, sponsorship and even new fans.
Can't get me head round the "lets keep it small" opinion. We need a stadium that is talked about all over with awe and envy.
our owner has visions of winning the league and being regularly in champions league. I think we could push 47-50k a week now in a new stadium. If we are fighting for titles in 2 or 3 years time we could add another 10k to that figure
Dangote has been 'interested' in Arsenal for years but never acquired any shares. He was supposed to be interested in buying Bracell-Smith's 11% in April 2011 but the shares were acquired by Kroenke.

I don't think he is a credible buyer of Arsenal besides them not being for sale.

Doesn't need to be a credible buyer of Arsenal, just deluded enough to believe buying R&W share holdings is enough to set him on the road to outright ownership.

Anyway, hadn't heard of him or his interest so thanks for adding some history to that.
Got to be minimum 50k for me, wouldn't even be against it being 55k for starters. We have to be of the mindset that we will be successful again, that we will be the number one club in the city and that we will be the go to club for future generations to support.

Accessible, affordable for all and success on the pitch will bring the fans in. We can't just think about the last 25 years of being starved of silverware and success, we have to believe in the next 25 years we will be a force again and challenging for honours.
