Moyes knows his time with Everton is up

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Sorry but I disagree. I think he will leave. He is putting all that he has worked for on the line by waiting this long, he simply wouldn't do that if he wasn't seriously thinking about a fresh challenge. Its looking more like a natural end to things by the hour.

He has nowhere to go.

Moyes is a career man, he's not going to leave Everton if it means sitting on a beach for a while or going to an inferior job.

He'll stay.
Say what you like about Moyes but you cannot question his loyalty to the club. I know he gets paid handsomely but would you turn down 75 grand a week if it was offered ? The glaring hole is that in 11 years of trying he has ultimately failed to add to our history. He has sailed the ship into steady waters and that is admirable but sadly as we all know its simply not enough in the ruthless world of modern football. Its time

No but I probably wouldn't be so painfully pessimistic and defeatist all the time either.'ll be spun as Moyes 2.0 etc etc, but it'll convince no one. It's a shame, but I feel his time has come and gone at Everton. I wont be too disappointed when he does renew because he does get decent top half finishes. But it's also a guarantee we'll continue to have an empty trophy room.

I think he's gone to be honest. Since he said he'd wait and see what happens, has anything happened that would really convince him to stay? Another trophyless season, another failed transfer window, faltering in the league and looking likely to miss out on Europe again.
I think he's gone to be honest. Since he said he'd wait and see what happens, has anything happened that would really convince him to stay? Another trophyless season, another failed transfer window, faltering in the league and looking likely to miss out on Europe again.

I reckon he'll see there's nobody better who wants him, bottle it, and sign on again. 90% of Everton fans wont care anyway.
He's in a terrible position now - one of his own making (if he hasn't already sorted himself out a move, that is). I cant see any club thought to be 'bigger' than us taking a chance on him; and if he re-signs with us not only will people suspiciously eye it as him accepting second best, but the time he's allowed for this to fester has also allowed supporters to build up hopes for managers who could come in and do a better job, and there'll be disappointment if he does renew. In short, he's destabilised his own standing at the club. I do still think he'll be manager for the next few years though.

I think he must be planning on sitting on the sidelines until a job becomes available - hence the increase in his TV appearances (which really has annoyed me) - and that he'll take over at Sunderland when O'Neill gets sacked. They've got some good players and the money is there to keep pushing should a manager get them within touching distance of Europe.

Either that or he'll join Curbishley, Bassett and Dowie on Sky Sports News' expert panel, where he'll be asked to make baseless predictions on how working managers will react whenever one of their players is caught with a ciggie in his mouth or a brass in his hotel room.
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He has allready made his mind up to go. He is classy enough to not delcare it mid-season as it would further de-stablise the club.

He'll do telly for a bit then join another club if there isnt one available in the summer.
Why if he was staying all along would he ruin all his hard work by stalling so publicly ? It wasn't rocket science to see the outcome of stalling would result in what you now have going on surrounding the teams performance.

I think he is going. I also think Fellaini will leave, followed by Baines. I like most people am simply passed caring for anything other than the club itself
I'd like to think he wants to stay but has been let down by Kenwright's false promises one too many times and is holding the board to ransom.
I'd like to think he wants to stay but has been let down by Kenwright's false promises one too many times and is holding the board to ransom.

This is one school of thought. Known as the optimistic school of thought. Which I would love to be true.

The other 99 schools of thought are not as optimistic many involve Owen Coyle.

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