Homepage Update: Mayor's Bramley Moore Dock Open Letter To Evertonians

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I've asked Joe Anderson to speak to fans (hopefully us/Adam) on his open letter. If not us, hopefully he'll speak with some fans...

Amazingly, there are a couple who work in that industry!

You'd be surprised at the jobs some on here have - I routinely am anyway.

Maybe so mate, but i will guarantee the vast majority of people wetting themselves or calling the club liars right now have absolutely zero knowledge of what is or isn't possible in terms of design, especially from a designer known for being innovative.
You mean people telling us that there will be compromise?

Doesnt seem like bad news to me.
But how do you compromise on a running track? I don't car how clever the design is they ar going Ocb attempting to put a huge 5 lane track between the pitch and the fans.
I would genuinely rather stay at Goodison than move to somewhere like tHe Etihad. And why he hell should we not get any contribution for This huge imposition.
If there is a track it will ruin the club

Touch harsh mate, none of any of the posters have another stadium to point out that they've have a running track and the stadium hasn't been compromised.

The big issue for me is that this surely holds up the design as the city won't know if it has the games until November time and then the RT will have to be added or taken out of the equation.

Because to my knowledge most have not been built with atmosphere and football as the 100% priority but with scope to allow athletics to take part mate.

From everything heard so far that IS the priority in this case

And nothing has ever been done for the first time, until, well its been done for the first time
Maybe so mate, but i will guarantee the vast majority of people wetting themselves or calling the club liars right now have absolutely zero knowledge of what is or isn't possible in terms of design, especially from a designer known for being innovative.

The club haven't commented mate so I don't think anyone is calling them "liars"

I'm no expert, but I've expressed opinion. I think all fans should - it's too important an issue to sit on the fence. Opinion and strong opinion is to be expected, hence why the Mayor has released the open letter he has. He's done that, I think, to mitigate negative PR on the bid. The judges won't want to be hearing stories of fans protesting will they?

I don't think we should be belittling fans expressing that opinion, even if it's one of concern because they're not architects.
Because to my knowledge most have not been built with atmosphere and football as the 100% priority but with scope to allow athletics to take part mate.

From everything heard so far that IS the priority in this case

And nothing has ever been done for the first time, until, well its been done for the first time
really fair point.

Does anyone else know if a football stadium has ever been designed to accommodate athletics instead of the other way around.

Anderson's letter is a little confusing. By stating that the temporary track will be inserted after the final home game of the 2021/22 season is he implying that we'll already be in the stadium by this point? If not, I don't see the point in waiting for the final game of a season if we aren't playing football in it yet. This also leads to the question that if the stadium is finished and we are playing in it, how do you shove a temporary track into a completed football stadium?
Less of the bedwetters, soft lad.

As for Man City's Etihad, have you ever been?! I'm not a fan. It doesn't have the steep stands the clubs architect keeps promising. In fact, it does exactly what I said is the only way football grounds replace athletic space - notice the angle/steepness of the lower tier.

City accepted this compromise before they had their money;


Err, less of the "soft lad", soft lad. I would hope our mods/admin don't start throwing their virtual weight around with petty name calling, in response to their perceived use of petty name calling....

And yes, I've been to the Etihad enough times - including in the home end when England played Turkey last summer - to have formed an opinion that it's one of the better 'new' grounds around the country. Far better than the identikit boxes that have sprung up, and I like it more than Sunderland's Stadium of Light (lopsided and has red seats!).

I'm not saying I want a replica of City's, however I was only trying to point out that it is in the very least feasible to accommodate the temporary use of a running track within a more traditional, 4-sided construct.
Should the Commonwealth Games bid be successful, I would want to know, post Games...

How far the front row of seats would be from the football pitch, and

The rake of the seating.

Architects will design to tender, not for the benefit of future fans.

I fear a compromise. Let the RS fit a 400m track inside their stadium.

I sincerely hope Liverpool doesn't win the Games bid.
Anderson's letter is a little confusing. By stating that the temporary track will be inserted after the final home game of the 2021/22 season is he implying that we'll already be in the stadium by this point? If not, I don't see the point in waiting for the final game of a season if we aren't playing football in it yet. This also leads to the question that if the stadium is finished and we are playing in it, how do you shove a temporary track into a completed football stadium?
I think the hope was always that we'd be in it by then. Also the running track being inserted AFTER, rather than already being hidden there is giving me hope.

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