Man Utd v Everton. Saturday Oct 2nd.12.30 pm

Everton Man of the Match

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Just rewatched the game.

Doucz, Gray, Townsend and Allan were absolutely incredible.

How's Doucs' contract looking? Time we maybe revist thatlollol

Gordon was great too, he looks great when attacking at pace, and looked much more mature in his distribution happy with his progress.

Another thing, the overall speed of our team now has suddenly changed and it's ridiculous how fast we move through the lines.
Sure he only signed a 3 year Deal didn't he?
Poll doesn't close till 2.26pm UK time on Friday, so lots of time for all those that haven't yet voted to make their minds up and vote before then ;)

I very rarely listen to national radio as it winds me up, but I couldn't sleep last night so I had Talk Sport on in the background and it was all about OGS not playing Ronaldo!

No mention that they looked way too open every time we broke up play, or they actually played a world class striker up front in Cavani, all be it maybe past his prime. No mention that it was an Everton team with zero options available up front to change anything. No mention that Utd cannot keep clean sheets, were the expecting Ronaldo to go in goal or play CB???

anyway, rant over COYB
They are still going on about Ronaldo not starting, when he did come on we made him look average. Also Alex Ferguson poking his nose in, does my head in. Having him hanging around doesn’t help the current managers one bit. But tbh I'm bothered for all they have spent we mad3 them look average.

Just watched the full games as I’ve been away. The usual suspects all had great games, I thought Gordon had his best game in a blue shirt. He looks a very intelligent footballer. He deserves more game time, I think he could be a good prospect.
This is where I love football and how subjective it is. Whilst Gordon overall had a good game, I can't see the intelligence. He's great when he's got the ball with an obvious pass/run to make. But countless times I've seen him unaware of where the ball will go or to be on his toes, moving into space or where he's needed.

I honestly don't see him as an answer for us in the future. I hope I'm proven wrong because I'd love to see him do it.
The entitlement of United fans is something else as well. The amount of stuff about Ole deserving the sack because he drew with us is ridiculous. We aren't a great team by any means but we are an established PL club and they have no divine right to beat us every time. As that tweet says, we were a couple of inches away from taking the 3 points so they need a serious reality check.

They are also only 2 points off top of the table with 31 games to go. Sacking their manager in that position would be as bad as Watford sacking theirs.

Here, Tim.

Is jt true we are opening a store in Belfast?

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