Transfer Rumour Malcom

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Knew this was nonsense

Exact fee and wages stated by that idiot on sky yet apparently meeting the chairman on Thursday. So you knew it was fake then. Surely the wages wouldn’t have been agreed with the player if we’d yet to meet the chairman who would then allow us to speak to the player once a fee had been agreed

This was purely a stunt to get people onto skybet to throw money on it. Sky are no longer the in the knows they simply throw stories out there at times purely to get punters to put money on it

Knew this was nonsense

Exact fee and wages stated by that idiot on sky yet apparently meeting the chairman on Thursday. So you knew it was fake then. Surely the wages wouldn’t have been agreed with the player if we’d yet to meet the chairman who would then allow us to speak to the player once a fee had been agreed

This was purely a stunt to get people onto skybet to throw money on it. Sky are no longer the in the knows they simply throw stories out there at times purely to get punters to put money on it
I think the whole "you don't speak to a player until the fee is agreed" is exactly that- the player isn't allowed to physically meet anyone at the buying club. Agents though, can and do act as the in between and agree deals way before a fee is ever discussed.
Put it this way- clubs wouldn't waste time bartering with the selling club if there was no chance the player wouldn't be interested in the move. They know in advance because agents etc have spoken.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="it" dir="ltr">L’Everton sta davvero lavorando per l’obiettivo Malcom, l’Inter al momento è in stand-by dopo le proposte rifiutate dal Bordeaux <a href="^tfw">@SkySport</a> <a href=";ref_src=twsrc^tfw">#SkyCalciomercato</a></p>&mdash; Fabrizio Romano (@FabrizioRomano) <a href="">July 18, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Considering this got sky sources behind it, the general concensus even before we all had a “sleep on it”, was that it was probably a load of tosh.

Years of Everton BS, and the fans aren’t that soft. :lol:

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