Lukaku partner

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....don't think you can look in isolation at who is best from Lukaku's perspective. Naismith does his best work in the top third whereas Barkley can get the ball from deeper and quickly turn defence into attack.

Generally we need to be more aware of Lukaku's ability and the runs he makes. On occasion we might overplay when the early through ball would put him in. The whole team need to consider that option. It's clear to me that Baines, for example, is hitting the odd long ball behind the CBs. I suspect he's been told to do this. Having 2 defensive midfielders doesn't help, but we shouldn't be afraid of mixing it a little and looking to put the big fella in early.

You can sigh all you want, Naisy has been our most consistent performer in there this season.

2 goals in about 10 games isn't consistent mate. He had a purple patch at the start of the season and runs alot so I know let's move our young scouse diamond out onto the wing to accommodate him.

Gonna be hilarious watching people backtrack to feck when barkley starts dominating games from the centre again with him rom and mirallas hitting teams on the counter.

Evertonians love a purple patch jelavic stole a living for over a year from a good couple of games
Mirallas on the left, McGeady on the right and Barkley in the middle with Kev drifting into the middle when Ross drops deep.

So I agree that Kev is the best.
2 goals in about 10 games isn't consistent mate. He had a purple patch at the start of the season and runs alot so I know let's move our young scouse diamond out onto the wing to accommodate him.

Gonna be hilarious watching people backtrack to feck when barkley starts dominating games from the centre again with him rom and mirallas hitting teams on the counter.

Evertonians love a purple patch jelavic stole a living for over a year from a good couple of games

Purple patch? That's a a long purple patch. Barkley has adopted a 'floating role' in the last few games and he has been garbage, losing position etc. you can only hang on to the 'he is being played out of position' comfort blanket for so long before you realise he ain't producing the goods. Roberto has had to rotate players in midfield because of the amount of injuries, so we can also knock your 'accommodating' myth on the head.

One last thing, do you not see the irony in you creaming over Ross? Think about it.......

Purple patch? That's a a long purple patch. Barkley has adopted a 'floating role' in the last few games and he has been garbage, losing position etc. you can only hang on to the 'he is being played out of position' comfort blanket for so long before you realise he ain't producing the goods. Roberto has had to rotate players in midfield because of the amount of injuries, so we can also knock your 'accommodating' myth on the head.

One last thing, do you not see the irony in you creaming over Ross? Think about it.......

Utter drivel Barkley lit the league up last season and at 20 the sky's the limit for the lad. Naismiths a 29 year old who joined on a free from the SPL and runs around alot and scores the odd goal. Naismith had a good couple of games at the start of the season but is nowhere near the same quality as ross.

It's why the England national team has suffered for years, sack the young exciting talent off over some clogger who runs and runs and puts in a shift. Let me guess you love hibbo aswell as he is hard as nails and throws a good tackle in?
Utter drivel Barkley lit the league up last season and at 20 the sky's the limit for the lad. Naismiths a 29 year old who joined on a free from the SPL and runs around alot and scores the odd goal. Naismith had a good couple of games at the start of the season but is nowhere near the same quality as ross.

It's why the England national team has suffered for years, sack the young exciting talent off over some clogger who runs puts in a shift. Let me guess you love hibbo aswell as he is hard as nails and throws a good tackle in?

Did he though?
Did he though?

Considering his age and the fact it was his first full season in the side under a new manager/coming back from a bad leg break I would say he was one of the leagues best players in terms of impact. I think in games against sides who sit back he can be frustrating and makes the wrong decision/can over think things but that comes with experience and years worth of games.

I just can't see the rationale behind playing Naismith ahead of him. Ross is our future and we should be building the side around the likes of him, Rom and Mccarthy. Add to that the lads a blue and his comments when signing a new deal were amazing. Too many big time charlies like luke Shaw, berahino etc. Happy to leave their clubs in the lurch when the media hypes them up. Ross hasn't and I think that makes him even more of a diamond.

In 3-4 years time we could have a gazza or gerrard type attacking midfielder and if not we'll still have a quality young player who's a blue. Naismith is a good squad player but should just be that. Shoe Horning ross out of position was madness by RM and I hope it stops.
Utter drivel Barkley lit the league up last season and at 20 the sky's the limit for the lad. Naismiths a 29 year old who joined on a free from the SPL and runs around alot and scores the odd goal. Naismith had a good couple of games at the start of the season but is nowhere near the same quality as ross.

It's why the England national team has suffered for years, sack the young exciting talent off over some clogger who runs and runs and puts in a shift. Let me guess you love hibbo aswell as he is hard as nails and throws a good tackle in?

Barkley had some magical moments last year and has bags of ability. But a bit like the national team this has led to him being overrated and with that the expectation level increases. It's important he is managed properly so that he can prosper and become a quality player for Everton.

"runs around a lot and scores the odd goal" shows your complete lack of knowledge of the the game or your ignorance, I'll let you decide.

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