Leon Osman

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Another laughable 'online' myth prevalent on here and other knowledgeable platforms such as Twitter lol.

Osman came through the academy and made it as a professional footballer playing for a top flight side that regularly finished in the top 7, finished 4th one season, got to an FA Cup Final and he even earned an England cap. Yet the cool clique on here have him down as not being good enough and have developed some bizarre hatred for him towards the latter end of his Everton career.

Aside from the stuff I already mentioned, I can't think of a better team goal for Everton this century than the one Osman finished with precision against Larissa in the UEFA Cup.

Always thought he was a decent little player myself like.


What level do you have to have won league titles at to have an opinion on Osman?

Sunday League ok?

Nothing wrong with an opinion dude, some of the hatred and vitriol coming his way are unnecessary in my opinion. It happens quite a lot to players as they reach the end of their playing days and can't produce but still get picked, I remember Cahill and Howard of recent times getting loads of stick because they were on the decline, crazy.
Can I ask for some evidence of what he's supposed to have done please because I must be blind and deaf.

Where's did he insist in going for his radio commentary debut? The stadium of light so he could continue his grassing teachers pet act with his best mate Davy. Sums up the GRASS he is. Could have been supporting the blues at GP but was cheerleading for DM instead. Insufferable cretin.

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