Leandro Rodriguez

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What did I say from the off.

i have a sneaky feeling some people will be vaulted in this thread (based off nothing but a youtube video like)

then again, it could be me who gets vaulted for saying i reckon he might surprise people, in a good way.

RM: "There is nothing to announce regarding Leandro Rodriguez but again, we are hoping for a positive outcome with him too."

Martinez says Leandro Rodriguez is "a very talented young man". Says they have permission to speak to him, but nothing to announce. #EFC

Martinez says Leandro Rodriguez says Everton "will fit in" and is a player Everton "would love" to bring in

whys that mate?

doubt he plays anything remotely like him, since strac was a big slow 6'3 brute and this guy is a small, fast, poacher it looks like.

Wigan signed quite a few South Americans and I imagine that Kevin Reeves has good contacts over there. At £500k I'd have thought he was one for the development squad, although Roberto has said that he's first-team ready and that he wants to add him to his 'golden generation' of Under 23's. We can't really go wrong at that price.

A lot of people talking about his unimpressive goal record, bit harsh in my opinion. He's only 22, probably struggled in the league at first. Seems he came into his own a bit more last season with 10 goals and 4 assists in 27 appearances. Still not awe inspiring but not terrible either. Hoping he'll surprise a few people.

he also played on the wing a lot, and behind the striker a fair bit, so would be unfair to just judge him off that.

i think he may surprise a few people too. Seems to have a poachers instinct and some good ability there, plus he's an unknown so it's always harder to play against an unknown.

mate, he can pass and has good technical ability.... plus 1 on naismith already.

Know nothing about him but Martinez' words have sold him to me, particularly the bit about having a natural knack in front of goal. Hope he can live up to the expectation.

I did some digging, and here's some pretty interesting stats from the Uruguyan Primera Division:

Luis Suarez: 27 games, 10 goals (all time)
Edinson Cavani: 25 games, 10 goals (all time)
Leandro Rodriguez: 23 games, 9 goals (last season)

Should add that Suarez and Cavani were a couple years younger at the time, but still... not bad.

If this signing does not work out he will end up back in Uruguay or in a lower league club in England. If it does it's going to be a very good bargain. You never know...time will tell in this transfer

He is absolutely amazing in my eyes.

Until he's not.

Welcome to Kenwright Athletic Leandro.

Better than Pele, don't even need to see him play.

hes scored 6 in his last 11 league games so i wouldn't take his overall record as a sign of what he can offer.

His recent goal rate is impressive and it also suggests he is developing well and its probably a key reason behind us bringing him in.

One thing that you can't usually fault Uruguayans for is there work rate, they tend to be incredibly hard working players who can also be snide when needed to so id expect him to have that side to him at some point, its a minimal risk signing and i hope for the best, at a cheap price and compared to the english trash you would get for a similar fee its certainly worth taking the risk on.

If he had been around the same price as what martinez paid for that Boselli lad who turned out to be absolute pants then i would have been very sceptical.

Also take into consideration only a few years ago we had probably the worst footballer we have seen for a while but the heart of lion which won him over with every fan, if strac could do it then all the lads needs to do is give 150% for the team.

He'll be our Hernandez type player for a brief (Jelavic) time period, then be worse than Kone. Going by his Youtube all the lad can do is score tap ins.

Welcome Lad, big fan of Uruguay footballers, massively underatted as a football power - this lad looks a talent, very Ibraesque some of his play in that clip.

I like this kid. Can play with both feet, great turn of pace, can spot a pass.




tell you what, if he finds himself on the bench somehow for the chelsea game.. and we're lacking a goal, he could make himself a instant hero.

Never going to happen like, but hopefully he can take his chance whenever it comes, seems to have a good poachers instinct from the videos.

Just watched Lennon's interview on Everton TV and he briefly mentioned how he'd trained with Leandro today and he looks 'quality' was the word he used. Dont know whether he was just saying that, but positive words from someone who had only just trained with him today.

Maybe he'll be the surprise package, you never know.

People go on about the risk with £9.5m Mori, but this kid only cost £500k. Could be a Coleman-esque signing, you never know.

Told you he was good.

Going to the under 21 game tonight at goodison, looking forward to seeing him play, see what he's like.

Playing very well at the moment his first touch is very good he has good pace and clearly a good finish could turn out to be a bargain if we can get the best out of him

Very quick feet and good technically his first touch is very good

Also makes both types of runs will come short or will run onto it depends on the situation

he was very good, he got tired and then his form seemed to drop a bit but for a lad who has never played at that intensity in his life before, he was very impressive, very good finish, good link up play, extremely quick feet and good positional sense.

We'll make a player out of him im certain.

haha no mate, his first touch and quick feet / technical play better than naismiths.

But theyre similar in how they make movements / runs

Lovely finish that from Leandro last night. He looks as if he knows where the net is.

High hopes for this lad.

Don't ask me why I do because I don't know - just got a feeling that he is going to be boss if he can get to grips with the pace and athleticism of the Premier League.

It is good to see a player make an immediate impact, albeit with under 21s.
To understand more about how he is regarded at Everton we would probably need to know more about the events that led to his signing. I wonder have we been watching for a while or a player we have just taken a punt on because he was cheap and somebody somewhere recommended him. A bit like Coleman.

This is the nail in the coffin of Conor McAleny isn't it.

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