Lampard Sacking Not Official Yet; Maybe More to Come.

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For someone who slags off every new thread with snide comments about redundant threads, you sure like making new threads.
Perhaps the PR/communications team has been gutted after the debacle of the last few weeks.
DBB if she was dragged into the debacle by others should be after blood and regardless moshiri should be arriving back to the club looking for names and explanations. Billy liar trying to protect his lapdog Prentice.
Every director is ringing the other directors and asking did you fire him? The reply of no, it wasn't me, did you? No wasn't me.

Meanwhile in the broom cupboard at the farm, Denise has a huge smile on her face as she puts the phone down after just speaking the daily mail.

Perhaps the PR/communications team has been gutted after the debacle of the last few weeks.
DBB if she was dragged into the debacle by others should be after blood and regardless moshiri should be arriving back to the club looking for names and explanations. Billy liar trying to protect his lapdog Prentice.
Was she dragged into the debacle via the medium of a headlock?
It's been on the 6 o'clock news, followed by a story about some 4 year old kid who's joined Mensa.

I was hoping they were going to say he's favourite to take over after Frank.

He's too smart for that tho.
What are the chances the press team got confirmation at the same time we all did via the media?

Also, I imagine the official statement will probably want to tell us officially who is taking over in the interim. Chances are some contracts need drawing up over that.

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