Kirkby Or Stanley Park

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[wakes up]

in the midst of calling each other names (and I've had ALL your Mums, by the way, and Chico's dog), a couple of points seem to have been missed.

Personally, I appreciate we need to do something. There doesn't seem to be the will to tart up the old girl, and we're not getting too many viable options in the City (although the presentation -from Sainsbury's, Suits- came as a bit of a surprise), so we do seem to be left with Kirkby.

I don't have a problem with Kirkby or the city limits thing, as has been stated ad nauseum every time we've moved, it has been to a location outside the city boundary at that time (would be in-keeping with tradition). What concerns me, and apparently many others, is the shocking transport provision and the lack of consistent information about predicted out-turn costs and funding structure.

A brand spanky 50k stadium will be great if:

- it's not so much of a pain in the arse to get to and from (blanket parking restrictions, limited public transport provision etc etc) that people don't go as often.
- it puts such a financial burden on the club that it restricts the great strides we're making on the pitch at the moment.

Not everyone who has valid concerns about the move is a KEIOC Fundamentalist, and people shouldn't be derided on a Forum for expressing their views.

anyway, you're all ugly, and your mothers dress you funny etc etc... carry on

Cant argue with a word of that, some of the clothes my mother got me as a kid were shocking.

Tbh, I did initially have reservations about the city boundaries issue but that has actually diminished over time. The issues regardingpublic transport have to be addressed though. We do have a lot of supporters who travel into Liverpool on matchdays and regular, easily accessible transport needs to be made available for those travelling to the ground from Lime Street or the Coach station nearby. I hope and trust the club will look at these issues but they need to be more transparent in what their plans are regarding this issue and it would assure a lot of people if they came out and let us know they have plans for this situation
Do Not Believe You.

evidence please, and to what extent does 'enabling' equate to?


good timing these revelations, just as the bestway red herring is being forgotten this appears to cast further propaganda light on the club and how its ran.

evidence please.

bleating time is over, you had your chance to vote, it didnt work out for you personally. deal with it.

Why ask me? Ask here:,cntnt01,detail,0&cntnt01articleid=48&cntnt01returnid=15

I'm sure you'd get a response.
i respect that those who are committed to a pro- or anti- position regarding the proposed move to kirkby are for the most part looking at what they believe is best for the club. personally, i was initially quite enthused about the stadium, admittedly somewhat due to the club having limited options as regards what they can afford to do. however, i was concerned to hear wyness say that he estimated additional revenue from the new stadium would only be approx. £10 million, obviously after deducting increased costs this would leave very little additional money for moyes transfer kitty - the prime reason for moving according to wyness. subsequently we hear that costs of construction may be substantially more than we were originally lead to believe. i must also admit to being concerned about the match day transport logistics. therefore, my initial enthusiasm has been superceded by increasing scepticism about the viability of the project. but i'm still open to subsequent information showing my concerns are misplaced.

The club need to find £100million to put into the scheme according to

That should be easily found as has already been discussed on here - naming rights, sale of Bellefield/Goodison (eventually!), Tesco's £55m non-reumbursable cheque (RE: "Manna from Heaven) and the club has been exploring with the NWDA additional help - maybe £10m like the rs got for works to do with their overall project - I get that in before you say the NWDA favours a Liverpool site for us which they dont or cant do.
sorry it aint gonna happen..hell even the last agm mr stadium builder said it was more than feasible and will be cheaper cost effective wise to go with the bestway deal rather than tesco..there really are some blinkered people around regarding this debate i must say.

Tesco's bah id rather shop sainsbury's
i wonder how many yes voters inhabit the keioc site.

i wonder how many have been chased off.

I'm pro-Kirkby and I've tried getting my point across on the Toffeeweb site about stadium issues but for some reason I have to wait in a queue so my comment can be viewed by admin/mods for approval/or not (I assume everyone has to put up with that - I hope!), I then check later and find they STILL havent put my comment up yet others seem to - blatent bias by TW.
I'm pro-Kirkby and I've tried getting my point across on the Toffeeweb site about stadium issues but for some reason I have to wait in a queue so my comment can be viewed by admin/mods for approval/or not (I assume everyone has to put up with that - I hope!), I then check later and find they STILL havent put my comment up yet others seem to - blatent bias by TW.

The walls have ears mate......Suggesting there is bias on TW is bad karma. :lol::lol:

sorry it aint gonna happen..hell even the last agm mr stadium builder said it was more than feasible and will be cheaper cost effective wise to go with the bestway deal rather than tesco..there really are some blinkered people around regarding this debate i must say.

Tesco's bah id rather shop sainsbury's

The Bestway site is too small and has next to no available space for enabling funds. Some Evertonians might be happy for the club to foot virtually the whole £250m-£300m bill for a stadium of just 48-55,000 but I aint one of them. In fact that 48-55,000 figure is taking an invisible mysterious reports spin on it - a report that doesnt exist.
The walls have ears mate......Suggesting there is bias on TW is bad karma. :lol::lol:

Couldn't give a fook what the people behind TW think - Colm, Lyndon, and Michael think they have their fingers on the pulse of what most fans are thinking but they only represent themselves, that angers them - they think what they say is right and should be adhered to.
id say thats propaganda pure and simple..the bestway deal was prooved a cheaper deal and best way for the club to go sorry but the fascist tesco deal is a rather be playing in the park than in that tin hut in kirkby i have nothing against kirkby or its people, i have some good friends from up there..i have nothing against kirkby execpt its size and location and what it will do to the area in the long run, the fact 50 odd houses have to be demolished and a school...and we have to play in a car park..not for me...but i still think people are blinkered and have been told a lot of lies from bully.

Onje last thing it will kill the local stinks in a nutshell...but if its to be i will still go the match whetever they play i guess...otherwise i wouldnt be a true blue...but we are selling our soul and history for [Poor language removed] all..and that hurts.

Lets play on formby beach, the players would feel more at home there, since most of them live there :p j/k
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I'm pro-Kirkby and I've tried getting my point across on the Toffeeweb site about stadium issues but for some reason I have to wait in a queue so my comment can be viewed by admin/mods for approval/or not (I assume everyone has to put up with that - I hope!), I then check later and find they STILL havent put my comment up yet others seem to - blatent bias by TW.

If you wish to start your own mailbag, yes that's normal.. if you just wish to reply to someone else's post.. it isn't.
[media][/media] - Scotland Road

Should give you a decent idea of size one way or another.

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