Kim Shin Wook

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God knows mate.

It's certainly one of the weirder rumours this window.

TBH it's probably more plausible than most rumours we hear, if only because it's come out of nowhere.
Of course there'd no doubt be a major issue trying to obtain a work permit for him.
Remember when we were sponsored by Keijan and some no-mark Chinese player turned up the next day? Maybe this will lead to a tasty Samsung (is Chelsea really helping their image?) or Hyundai sponsorship?

If the Chinese No Mark you are referring to is Li Tie, take the guy now. Li Tie was a mainstay in the team and would have remained so but for injury blighting his career. There was another guy who came as part of the deal who never got a look in.
If the Chinese No Mark you are referring to is Li Tie, take the guy now. Li Tie was a mainstay in the team and would have remained so but for injury blighting his career. There was another guy who came as part of the deal who never got a look in.

It was the other guy...
6 foot 5? Amazing tackler despite being a striker? Are we sure he's not just an actual Wookiee? Will he pull Luis Suarez' arms off?

I can't say I ever seen him play but one thing I do know is that you always want the wookie on your side.

If the Chinese No Mark you are referring to is Li Tie, take the guy now. Li Tie was a mainstay in the team and would have remained so but for injury blighting his career. There was another guy who came as part of the deal who never got a look in.


Li Tie was dire.
Li Tie was a good player, Kept the ball well and had a good footballing brain, Shame about the leg break which definately ruined his career.
WHY are we looking at no-bodies like this when we have Vellios raring to go?????? Never gets much of a chance but always seems to impress when he does!!!!!!!!
WHY are we looking at no-bodies like this when we have Vellios raring to go?????? Never gets much of a chance but always seems to impress when he does!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure how you can call him a nobody. You've presumably never seen him play.

He may well be gash but you're jumping to conclusions. Although I agree, I'd like to see Vellios get more playing time.

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