2020/21 James Rodriguez

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I think the problem is that our national teams main fans are an embarrassment. Fat, shirtless, Union Jack tattooed, brexit voting, racist morons looking for a fight. Also it was incredibly difficult supporting a team captained by slippy g with such loveable lads as John Terry flying the flag!
Whereas, Colombian or Brazilian international football fans are all about partying and celebrating the spectacle, much easier to get behind. Or Germany as per your example, are a very proud nationalist country who are also dead good at football and win trophies!
yep, thats about it. Add in that our national team are populated by players from media favourited teams rather than those proper deserving of a place means it is all a sham. I don't mind International football, just not England.
I'll try and address some of the England national team issues, and our dislike of players going on international duty for our overseas poster.

Firstly, I'd like to state, we are often very supportive of our international players during international tournaments, and will often follow their national teams with interest.

Addressing the England issue. The media here are constantly trying to sell good English players to the same 5-6 sides. In the belief it makes them better. And England, during my lifetime, have generally ignored good players who aren't playing for fashionable teams. They have also tended to pick the same players, over and over again, despite poor form on international duty.

As a nation, England doesn't really exist. We're run by a central British government so don't really have an identity. We're currently deeply divided. The Scottish and Welsh national movements are gaining momentum, Northern Ireland have been abandoned or sacrificed (depending on how you want to look at it). As for us English, the EU referendum fallout has driven a wedge between a lot of people, and it's going to take a lot of time to heal. So this doesn't lend itself to a great atmosphere when England play. There is no celebrating being English at the moment.

The reason a few of us are nervous about James playing for his country is two fold. First, we're a pessimistic bunch. 25 trophy-less years does that you. So we fear he will get injured. Secondly, we've been burned in the past. Not that long a go, we had 3 or 4 Irish internationals around the first team. Which we were quite supportive of. 2 of the main ones picked up bad injuries whilst playing for Ireland. Then, bizarrely, kept getting picked, despite being injured and not playing at club level. Until the inevitable happened, and a rehabilitating player was picked to play. He aggrivated the injury and was out for even longer.

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