If we got 30M for Fellaini should we get ourselves straight?

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If Villa and Southampton go down we're going to sell Fellaini for £30m and buy Benteke, Ramirez and Clyne and we'll come 4th.

*walks away whistling
My understanding is we have debts around 40-50M and it is the interest payments that are killing us without actually repaying the capital. How about using all 30M to pay off the short and medium term debt, overdraft etc and then start to operate within our means without the debt and interest crippling our operating revenue.
There is an assumption here that revenues would remain stable afterwards. Losing a key player and bringing in nobody new (aside from maybe a couple of Hitz type signings) could see us falling in the league and getting millions less in revenue. Even without bringing up the r-word it could still hurt us.

I know people are crazed about Moyes not playing Barkley enough. Well we don't play Barkley enough but even if the new manager likes to play Barkley (and maybe Duffy) more often we just don't have enough quality waiting in the wings for a great squad without new players. Is playing Naismith and Gueye more going to help sustain a challenge for Europe?

As we more or less break even as it is we should have the extra 20M tv money from this summer every year as an immediate and sustainable yearly transfer fund
... as will every other team! We might get better but so will everyone else. You typically need to spend more than the other teams spend; not just more for the sake of more. We'll be better than comparable teams from other countries but since we don't play in Europe that's not as important. Please everyone ... the TV money is not going to change much for EFC. It's just more money we have to flush down the toilet to keep up with everyone else.

plus the increased profit from lowered interest payments.
How much is that?

This may be our last chance to do this as we don't have many 30M sales on the books and this tv deal money will end up with the banks as interest if we dont clear our debts.
Why not sell Baines too if we're throwing in the towel? Why should he have to waste the best years of his career playing for a team which doesn't prioritize performing well on the pitch?

How does this scenario impact morale of the players who stay? Especially those who are older and frankly probably don't care much about how it might be slightly better for Everton in a few years?

Either that or spunk all 30M in one go and sod the financial onsequences a la pompey
So in your mind the problem with Pompey was that they received a large transfer fee, reinvested that money into the playing squad (meaning a net spend of 0) and then went bankrupt?

but please not the middle ground that is getting us nowhere.
Oh it will be the middle ground for sure.

I think we'll spend the Fellaini money and use TV on debt/"operating costs." There will be lots of depressing articles on the OS explaining where the money went when people start saying we didn't spend enough.

If this was the US with no relegation and a draft system I could possibly get behind the idea of taking a few "rebuilding" years and paying off the debt.

As it is we'd end up so far behind after paying off our debt we'd need to take out another loan to get us back to where we are now (which isn't that great of a place).

It's also probably not the best way to attract a new manager: oh by the way you've lost a great player and you'll have no money at all for new players for a year or two. But after that (assuming you haven't been fired which you almost certainly will have) you'll have a couple of million to spend!
I can sort of see the logic behind the original post here, financially it might sound a good idea to get rid of a big chunk of the debt, but how much of the quoted £30 million would we actually end up with after payments have gone out? Then what would the reactions be from the fans who have just seen a major player for the team being sold and all the money going to finance the debt, I think it would create a hell of a lot more tension than there already is.

If I recall correctly, isn't the current debt structured in such a way that if we pay off huge lump sums at once, it would cost more than what the debt is worth. (Something like a lump sum of 50M to pay of 30M). This was the banks way of ensuring a steady income for years to come, while Everton's benefit was that we got the loan at lower interest levels because of the clause.

In which case, no, I wouldn't put 30M from the sale of Fellaini towards paying off the loan.
I don't think we'd get £30 million for him either, he's not consistent enough in my opinion.

If he improves in the last 10 games then his value might go up as he's still young.
One thing that the board/manager whoever will do is sell him for a good price when the time comes.

He's a lot of hype, and he doesn't always deserve it, I'd love for him to stay next year but he's one player that is dispensable.
With the money we get for him, we could buy (I hope) two first team players, a striker and a box-to-box midfielder (like Fer).

Cant see anyone even shelling out near to £20 million after his display and his quivering bottom lip reaction to being hauled off on Saturday.
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I think we should use the money to stage a concert for africa. Then keep all the dosh we get donated and say it was only about raising awareness like what Bob Geldof done.
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