2018/19 Idrissa Gueye

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Been an absolute pleasure to watch this lad play his football with us, he's been a top professional, and a very good footballer. I also understand he's great person off the pitch as well. He goes with my blessing and I wish him well in he's future endeavours. Just hope we will be competing against him and his new team in the near future. See yeah Idrissa

This worked for the club and the player, he behaved impeccably after not getting his move so I think given a very fair offer was received it was right to let him go and and take a tidy profit to reinvest in players for the future. We have sold at his maximum worth after having several years of loyal service when his age would start to see his market value begin to decrease.

Buy cheap, get 3-4 years service, sell high and re-invest, the Brands business model. Which I prefer to the Walsh model of buy high and sell cheap after 12-24 months of disappointing performances
As always, opinions on him varied between excessive praise and over critical comment. He comes somewhere in the middle, and in future memory will rank as a fairly decent to good player who didn't stay very long and from whom we made a decent profit. Good business in other words. His several years with us was not helped by the turmoil surrounding the team and changing managers.
I would have to disagree on this point.

Fair enough, I just thought he was always central to our play both defensively and going forward. Always made himself available for a pass, usually gave fed the ball on quickly to a free player and sometimes produced a very good ball, comparative to what his role was. Some people (not you) act like he cant kick a ball straight which is madness.

Now he has gone, I am hoping Delph steps up big time. There is no doubt that he will not offer the same protection that Gana did.I believe however, he is much better in possession than Gana. If we become good enough, I believe we will be less reliant on a player like Gana winning the ball back. At the moment we are crying out for a goalscorer and the rest might then fall into place more easily. Delph played a bit for City, he is no mug. We need a centre back, striker, play maker (Sig doesn't cut it too often, but we need his goals atm) and a winger (we just sold Lookman! ??) and we have a chance of top 4! I don't feel like replacing Gana is a priority right now, we have already done that with Delph.
Fair enough, I just thought he was always central to our play both defensively and going forward. Always made himself available for a pass, usually gave fed the ball on quickly to a free player and sometimes produced a very good ball, comparative to what his role was. Some people (not you) act like he cant kick a ball straight which is madness.

His passing accuracy was always fine, I meant he was never gonna lift his head up and ping a 50 yarder, I means thats not even a criticism, it was never his job, his job was to win the ball, protect the defence, cover when the full backs bombed on and he did it to perfection.

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