How much more will these players put us through

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Blue till the end

Player Valuation: £25k
Once again here I am mentally suffering simply because I am a blue.

This season is one of the worst I can remember for a very long time as the lows heavily out weigh the very few highs. We are a laughing stock and I cannot see anything changing for a very long time .... so make yourself comfortable blues we are in for a long frustrating mentally challenging journey....which will be amplified by the success of you know who.....but that’s enough about them our problems are in house

How we have ended up with this collective of losers is beyond me......
Championship standard runs through the team, add to that the players who are seeing out their massive contracts with as little effort as possible backed up by the most over rated goalkeeper that I can remember. If this Lad was anything but English the pundits would be telling a different tale

This club is slowly killing off our next generation of fans. Kids no longer want to support us because Daddy does as their football lives is miserable. We should seriously think about convincing our siblings to follow this shambles without having professional therapy available on a weekly basis.

Our lowest point was losing to the Kindergarten Reds and we all hoped from that shameful spineless effort from our Lads would have forced a team reaction. A repayment to the fans for their pain and suffering yet here we are a few weeks later with that sickness returning to our souls.

I like yourself have read the players reactions. Their meaningless words hoping to find a forgiving fool that will tweet a sympathetic reply.....week after week

If they cared then we would witness it on the pitch....they would not have to convince us that we were mistaken in our opinions because we never played at their level. Desire, passion and commitment can be easily spotted in any sport..... and It is also easy to spot the lack off.

We have a sickness running through our club and it stems from the attitudes of our playing staff. Until Carlo can off load these Leeches I cannot see this club pushing themselves high enough in the league to install some pride back in the blue hearts.

We have big plans ahead and I will continue to pray to as many Gods that I can google that we have a team to mirror them on the pitch

Nil Satis Nisi Optimum is sadly missing in the changing room but I know it is still very valid in the terraces and bars surrounding our place of worship.

At the end of the day we will all remain blues because it is simply installed in us we continue our suffering in silence venting only to our brethern whilst putting on a brave face on when sharing our thoughts to the football world

I think next season is absolutely pivotal for this club - I really fear that if we mess it up it will put an end to alot of Blues interest in us (especially the younger fans).

The club and in particular the players continue to humiliate the fans and dont seem to give a toss - make no mistake under Moyes when we had players like Cahill, Jags, Arteta, Distin etc. That all it took was 1 humiliating result like that FA Cup game and we would come back fighting for a good 2-3 months at the minimum - we've literally gone 2 games before reverting to type.

Absolutely hate the majority of our squad.
It's only football lads. And it was worse in the nineties.

I think next season is absolutely pivotal for this club - I really fear that if we mess it up it will put an end to alot of Blues interest in us (especially the younger fans).
If they haven't got the stomach for mid table mediocrity then they're no loss. Imagine the yelling if we were as bad as Sunderland or Villa when they went down.

The club and in particular the players continue to humiliate the fans and dont seem to give a toss - make no mistake under Moyes when we had players like Cahill, Jags, Arteta, Distin etc. That all it took was 1 humiliating result like that FA Cup game and we would come back fighting for a good 2-3 months at the minimum - we've literally gone 2 games before reverting to type.

Absolutely hate the majority of our squad.
Stellar revisionism there. Plenty of crap uninspired runs during those years. Cahill is maybe an exception but the rest all had games were they clearly weren't arsed or gave the impression that they weren't arsed.

All for hating the squad though ;)
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I feel our brave lion hearts do not like to play under any weight of crowd expectation. Perhaps suggestions proposing they play games behind closed doors are not as far-fetched as they prima facie appear.
Are our players compensated well-enough to have to bear stress/pressure? The evidence implies no.

So, in summary, I think Everton should raise salaries to reflect the stresses of playing football, and also play all home games at Finch Farm with no supporters being allowed in...we must reduce any pressure on our brave lion hearts to perform.
I feel our brave lion hearts do not like to play under any weight of crowd expectation. Perhaps suggestions proposing they play games behind closed doors are not as far-fetched as they prima facie appear.
Are our players compensated well-enough to have to bear stress/pressure? The evidence implies no.

So, in summary, I think Everton should raise salaries to reflect the stresses of playing football, and also play all home games at Finch Farm with no supporters being allowed in...we must reduce any pressure on our brave lion hearts to perform.
i endorse this message fully. well done for being brave to admit it and others should folllow if they truly care.

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