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In bold by you is a contradiction in its terms any player can back off because he now lacks pace - as another poster put it he backs of that much he nearly ends up in Tim Howard s net!
His limitations are he is by far passed his best, and was played due to his experience - yet at Swansea he awful every goal was down the right side, and my main worry is RM still rates him above Browning who looked a far better prospect as cover for Coleman - we shall see if HIBBO is selected again in the near future if he is I fear I will be proved to be correct!
I think give the amount of minutes Hibbert has done in the last week Browning is a fair shot for Krasnodar.
I think the league has evolved too much for poor old Hibbo. The way the game is played tactically nowadays just doesn't suit him at all, and the pace is clearly too much for him.
Yes but how many times did you think Sterling would get the better of Hibbert before the game? Maybe 15-20 times. How many times did he get the better? 2 or 3 times. Great tackle by Stones but that's his job, to help teammates or should it now be exclusive that if it's Hibbert no one should help him so he looks as [Poor language removed] as everyone mentions.

I'm not a Hibbert fan btw but Martinez called it right playing him instead of Stones as he wouldn't have started Browning from the start. If he plays crap fair play he gets slated but he's just getting slated for the sake of it. Like I've said so many times Sterling was pretty ineffective and he should get a bit of credit for that.

That's fine mate.
We have options all over the pitch, apart from GK and RB, those are currently the only 2 positions in which we lack any real quality as back up.

Think thats quite good, not many squads will have 2 quality players in every position, 9 out of 11 isnt bad at all, for a club with our overall budget its quite a feat IMO.

It is Goat. Looks like we now have a back up for RB in the shape of Browning. Hope he is given a start, so we can see him over more than 20 mins. The GK spot I must admit does give me concerns, should anything happen to Howard, injury/ suspension.

ok so he had a decent game on saturday, i just hope martinez doesnt start thinking hes good enough, hes not he offers nothing going for forward and will have more bad games than good, di maria will crucify him on sunday. if not coleman play browning at least hes got some pace. hibbert is finished
No one wants any blue shirted EFC player to fail - if he was that good why was he subbed when we were 1-0 down for a younger right back/ central defender who looked far more speedy and accomplished in Hibbos position - as I stated Hibbo has been a very good servant to the club a great prospect when he emerged on the scene - its the clubs fault they extended his contract of course he would not turn it down , but sadly he looks like his legs have gone - his two appearances so far imo have been sad to see!

Cos he didn't have the legs for 2 games in a week and Martinez didn't want to risk Browning from the start? Doesnt matter. He performed well the 70 minutes he was on the field.
Gets a bad rap does Tone, Ossie as well. Sadly the frustration and lack of patience amongst some elements of the 'support' absolutely have to have someone or someones to blame and boo. If we had 10 Messi's and 1 Ronaldo would the supposed 2nd best player on the planet today get boo'd because he wasn't up to the standard of the rest.

Some people are never happy, but if you pays your money you can judge however you want. I recognised Bent as a player that worked himself into the ground, he never had the pace or the guile Radzinski had (at times) but I boo'd the latter. My money my choice. How many of these players or comparrisons can we muster? I eventually fell out with Richard Wright. Pistone used to wind me up terrible, got converted to left back and suddenly looked one of the most assured players on the park. Ferguson went out of his way, out of his WAY!!! to upset the support, in retrospect it seemed down to being that committed that he'd play through injury just to satisfy us and it cost him more time injured.
What we put ourselves through.

After seeing Hibbo play the last few matches I've come to the conclusion he is actually a decent defender...kinda has an unfair rep from matches like the cup final against chelsea....problem is with the system we play now having attacking fullbacks is rather important to us and sadly he offers little or nothing going forward.
After seeing Hibbo play the last few matches I've come to the conclusion he is actually a decent defender...kinda has an unfair rep from matches like the cup final against chelsea....problem is with the system we play now having attacking fullbacks is rather important to us and sadly he offers little or nothing going forward.
I feel when he plays McCarthy has to drop deeper to cover for him, he does a stop gap job okish!
Thursday McCarthy was absolutley everywhere anyway! Without pulling out a hattrick or string of world class saves I don't think I've seen a better performance than McCarthy, he was everywhere!

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